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Scoutmaster Minute Resources

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I've reinstituted a 'Scoutmaster Minute' to close our weekly meetings.


I've found a wonderful resource for Scoutmaster Minutes, its a book by John Wooden, the legendary coach of the UCLA Men's Basketball team. I think he retired in 1979 or so...


"WOODEN, A Lifetime of observations and Reflections On and Off the Court", is full of appropriate and reflective comments that are suitable for Scoutmaster Minutes.


For example:




My father had what he called his "two sets of threes." They were direct and simple rules aimed at how he felt we should conduct ourselves in life. The first set was about honesty:


Never lie.

Never cheat.

Never steal.


It required no explanation. My brothers and I knew what it meant and that he expected us to abide by it.


The second set of threes was about dealing with adversity:


Don't whine.

Don't complain.

Don't make excuses.


Some people today may think they are naive or kind of corny. But think a moment about what they mean and who you become if you abide by them. That isn't naive. You don't become corny.




I used this one a couple of weeks back, and one of my more 'behaviorly challenged' scouts related those concepts to the Scout Laws, without any prompting by anyone else!


Pretty good stuff... there's a lot more....


Anyone else have some resources to share???




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