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Mixing youth and adults

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In the last week I have started to notice the interaction of adult and youth members here on these forums. I'm not sure if I like what I see in some cases.


In some cases the youth members get caught up in the conversation and might just over state a point. No, not a lie, but told from the point of a scout who sees the action of the event rather than the view their scoutmaster may have (where he sees to it that ALL points of the G2SS are followed). Soon challenged the scout digs in and defends his statements and so does the adult...


In other cases adults act like this is a second BOR for a scouts advancement. And again they both adult and scout dig in and things go down hill from there....


In both cases the scout is defending something that is beyond his control. Boys run our troops but adults set the standards. Most scouts have never seen the G2SS. Scouts do not sit on BOR's and do not approve Eagle prodjects.


Now I don't think this would not take place in person. Maybe it's easy to forget that we are mixing adult and youth members when you can't see their faces. If we are going to mix here, it would be helpful if there was an easy way to know who's who. Maybe the Scouter.com folks could include an age indictor under the member name or the post the members "Current Scouting Positions" from their profile. But unless/until this is done we should keep in mind that extra care in needed when mixing youth and adult.


On the other hand maybe good manners are called for even when it's adult to adult...

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I agree. I welcome youth participation in these forums, but don't like to see adults and youth arguing with each other.


I'm not a patch trader, so I'm not familiar with the "rules" unwritten or otherwise in adults trading patches with youth, but perhaps we should have something like that.



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