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Inactive Crew Venturers?

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I'm currently working at a Cub Scout Camp and to be a staff member, I am part of a crew formed for the camp staff. I guess it could be called inactive because members are only camp staff. Can I still work towards awards anne things even though my crew isn't 'active'? Or should I try to join an active crew?



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Yes, you have the right to work on venturing awards. Your advisor may not be used to staff wanting to be authentic venturers, but he/she should be thrilled to help you.

In the process of working on a bronze award, you may help your fellow staff build a fellowship that extends beyond the summer.


And yes, you should find out what other crews meet near where you live and try to join one that may interest you. (You can be a member of multiple crews.) Find out if your council has a venturing officer's association (VOA) and get in touch the VOA advisor or president. Again, because you aren't tied down to a busy crew, you may be able to help out with the council venturing leadership.


That'll keep you busy, but when you get a moment, log in and let us know how things work out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the advice! I am currently working with my District Executive and willing adult volunteers to start a new crew. I have a group of interested youth and we're deciding on a time to meet to hold elections and all that. Unfortunately, now I'm more worried about the supposed "changes" that they're going to make to the Venturing program...

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Oh my! Don't worry about that! (Except for maybe sending in your opinion on the matter -- letting folks at national know what you like or don't like about the current program and proposed changes.)


Things will be the way they are now for a couple of years, which plenty of time for you and your mates to pull together an awesome crew carrying some serious bling! I don't see big changes in requirements anyway.


You have your DE's attention. Good for you. get your adults trained. Get started on that first Bronze and seek that fun and adventure in the world.

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I sent an email to the 411 Task Force expressing my thoughts on the situation. I'm very excited to start working towards the awards and planning events! Our first crew meeting is going to take place next Sunday where the elections will be held. Thanks for the advice!

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