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I am looking at adding One More Hat onto the leadership table besides being the District Membership Chairman, and this hat is being the Committee Chair for a Venture Crew in my neighborhood. This Crew is actually going to meet at the same place that the Boy Scout Troop that I got my Eagle Scout from. I am very excited about this, but I do not know when to expect to have to do even though I have taken the Venture Training and I am already the District Membership Chairman. Can anyone give me an idea of what the job description of the Committee Chairman for a Venture Crew is?

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First off, it really helps to get the program straight.


It's Venturing, not Venture.


By and large, the job of a Committee Chair for a Venturing Crew is much like that for Committee Chair of a Troop. Sadly, there is no 'Venturing Crew Committee' training, so I would recommend that you go thru Venturing Leader Specific Training, which is the same training that Venturing Crew adult leaders. No separate manual for the Crew Committee, so get a copy of the Venturing Leader Manual.


Keep in mind that Venturing is NOT like Boy Scouts. More so then in a troop, in Venturing it's the Venturers who plan and run things. The crew adult leaders just advise them, not run things. The Crew Committee are just there to support and help the crew. Where things get messed up with Crews are when the adults try to run things, worse try to run things like it was a scout troop, which it's not. So it's really really important that the adults take the training and really learn what the program is (and isn't).


Hope that helps.

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