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Sea Scout Awards Earned in a Venture Crew

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I had someone ask me, so I thought I'd fling this out. I will also post in ASdvancement Forum


Since Ventures can earn Bronze Award that is Sea Scout based, can they also earn the other Sea Scout awards including Quartermaster?


My knee jerk reaction is, "No, since they can't hold the offices required for Sea Scout Awards. You know with Eagle Awards it says you can do Venture offices. That sort of tells me you can't." I also told the person I'd check resources I have.


Please help if you can give reference. My local office just stared and blinked with asked.




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The Sea Scout Bronze is the equivalent of the Ordinary Rank. But to earn the rank, you have to attend 75% of your Ship's meetings, have a Skipper's conference, recruit a new member to the ship, attend quarterdeck training as a petty officer or prospective petty officer, earn the long cruise badge, etc. I would say no also.


But, you can easily re-charter that crew as a Sea Scout Ship next year or tomorrow and get them started on Quartermaster!!!

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Youre on the right track. All Venturers can earn all of the 5 Bronze Awards, however only registered Sea Scouts can earn the ranks associated with the Sea Scouting program. The Sea Scouting Bronze is the Sea Scout Ordinary rank.


Remember: All Sea Scouts are Venturers, but not all Venturers are Sea Scouts.


Ordinary Quartermaster require the youth to be Sea Scouts; since, quarterdeck training and petty officer, positions of responsibilities, are required.


The positions are: Boatswain (= President)

Boatswains Mate Administration (= Vice President Administration)

Boatswains Mate Program (= Vice President Program)

Purser (= Treasurer)

Yeoman (= Secretary)

Storekeeper (= Quartermaster)


NOTE: I have included the respective equivalents for the Venturing program; however, they do not meet the requirements for petty officer positions.


As for the Rank of Eagle, Venturers may complete the Eagle Requirements if he has completed First Class or higher and is under 18 years of age. Positions of responsibility are those listed above (Sea Scout or Venturer).


I hope this answers your questions Details to the requirements for Sea Scouting Advancement can be found in Section 3: Advancement and Other Recognitions in the Sea Scout Manual.





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