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How Da Do Dat?

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Well, our crew goes over events scheuduled. We plan events -- we've been doing a lot of planning around helping the Scoutreach groups. We talk about different equipment and safety measures that we'll need to deal with during our adventures. Recently we've been doing a lot of talking about recruitment. We do some talking about the advancements...our advisors do some encouraging about finishing our Bronze Awards. Our crew is kind of in charge of the council youth round table, too, so we discuss different council issues too.


On the screen the meetings seem somewhat dull, but our meetings really are quite the opposite. I look forward to that hour and a half every two weeks.


We've got some very crazy dynamics within the crew --- think dysfunctional family that truly loves each other deep down, complete with brothers, sisters, a crazy uncle and the coolest dad -- and it's the banter, the very low key atmosphere and the quirks (ie we all take our shoes off before the meeting begins, we all call one of our advisors Dad and the other Uncle Rocket) of our crew that makes our meetings fun.

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Since we're just starting to get this crew going, my plans for the first meeting will be at the Coast Guard Station for swim tests, and a bit of basic water rescue training.

Afterwards, we'll rondy at the local pizza palor for a parley to work on the organizational structure of the crew.


Until this crew is able to function as a crew (hopefully, it'll only take a couple of months or less) the plan is to hold all meetings outdoors doing something related to high adventure. As I see it, meetings,discussions, and planning can be better accomplished sitting in a canoe out in the middle of a cypress swamp than in a building.

Better to be a verb, than a static noun.....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Somewhat related to topic, since I want to avoid the "watching paint dry" meetings - Any tips on building the enthusiasm of the Venturers to plan for themselves. Our Crew is keen, they want to do activities, but I don't seem able to get them motivated to plan for themselves, or to take part in the planning. They seem happy waiting for the leaders to do it and we are struggling to make them see that they can and should do it for themselves. We don't want them bored and so stop coming to meetings, so the leaders do plan activities, but we want them to take on the role. BTW, our Crew is young, both in Venture age range (14-16)and in time active, just over 8 weeks. Any thoughts?

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How well I know that tune. Its one thing to get the kids pumped over Venturing because its "youth led", then its tough to make it happen. Usually its a case of independence shock, we tell the youth they are in charge and then BAM they actually are. Quite a concept. Have the Crew Vice President of Program develop an activities list, such things as hiking, camping, climbing, backpacking, swimming, canoeing, just about anything and distrubute them at a meeting, Have the youth fill it out and turn back in with out discussion. Have plenty of blank space for ideas the youth have. Have the Crew Officers review the findings and start scheduling the events. DOnt let them say we outta go to Gettysburg this year, ask them when? Have them set a date ask who will get the campsites reserved, who wil buy food, etc. Its not the advisors job to do any of this, but just ask questions until its assigned. Always ask the president and have he/she assign/get volunteers for it. Do this for every event. DOnt let a great idea get kicked around for weeks, book it. Better yet have the Crew develop a check list for a trip, who gets campsite, food, tour permit if required. The president goes down the list and completes it and no adult need say anything, thats success, and its not hard, well maybe a little to break the inertia, but it does speed up.


I made mention of a trip our crew took to Cabelas in Hamburg PA, it came about because we have a new member who when asked what he wanted to do reply go to Cabelas and not worry when I have to leave, BAM, A day at Cabela's scheduled and now done. We all had fun the the new guy knows he can impact the activites, they all can.

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Many Thanks OGE.

I will plant this seed with OJ and see what happens.

While I am not part of the crew. I do take a keen interest.

Right now they are going through a rough spot. The officers are at loggerheads.

They are off to some kind of a training later this month at Potomac Council. This might help ease things up a bit.


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