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Is It Time To Start A Crew?

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The high school youth ministry program at my congregation is pretty pathetic. There's a low participation rate that is lower the older the youth. There's a high turnover rate in the staff people we hire. I'm thinking a youth ministry Venture Crew with a outdoor/service program emphasis just might be the ticket.


Has anybody done this? Please don't tell me to talk to my DE, I really want to hear from forum members first, digest what I hear, and then decide if I want to proceed. Thanks in advance!







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Youth Ministries Crews have been a popular theme throughout my traveling through the internet. I haven't had any real world experiences, but I know there are more than a few out there. If I can find some info, I'll post it for you.


Best Wishes!!!



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I think a Venture Crew would be great in the situation you mention.


Here is a suggestion to get it started, our crew did a habitat for humanity project last year. I think that might be a good initial project. The group needs to be organized within itself, but then the Habitat program does a lot of the logistics such as where you stay, when to get there, provides tools, etc. When the kids get back you have plenty pf pictures, stories of good times and that generates interest in the so far non-membes. The drawback is you have to be over 16 to participate. The trip did so well, the church repeated it this year without the crew.


I think anytime you have youth with little or nohing to do, a Crew is always a great idea.




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Would you drive away as many as you might attract with too much attention on one theme? Most of the Crews that I encounter just call it High Adventure and they each interpret that differently, and many of them work in faith-based activities from time to time...

Certainly nothing wrong with Youth Ministry, but might be too small a group to apply that sharp a focus?

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To my understanding, just because the group is Youth Ministries doesnt mean they cant do activities in other areas. Our Crew is a "High Adventure Crew" yet out of 6 Bronze given thus far, 3 were in Youth Ministries, that Habitat for Humanity trip was responsible for alot of that.


The real idea is to get thie kids working on what THEY want to do and things happen, good things

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