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When you joined your first troop....

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When you joined your first troop what was the first thing that you noticed that needed to be fixed??


I know that when I went I noticed how VERY disorganized they seemed and that will all the new people you were meeting it would be nice to have name tags or pictures on the bulletin board to identify the Treasurer, Secretary, Advancement Chair, Eaglebound coordinator, and yes even the Scout Master. Some of us just have more trouble keeping everything straight with people that you only see once a week. Especially at first......

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You want a top ten list?..ha ha


No seriously the biggest problem that I saw was not using the patrol method and not enough outdoor activity's. I kept telling the other leaders that we need to work-suggest with the PLC that this is where all the fun is OUTDOORS.

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I had a hard time identifying who was who, also - which is why I ALWAYS wear a nametag -

Of course, I'm such an outspoken loudmouth anyway, people seem to never forget me... has it's good points and it's bad points....



And I'm trying to encourage others to wear nametags, too. Not getting very far. At least i make sticky ones up and paste them on people when we have parent nights and recruitment - I think it helps.


Communication was a problem - my son missed the first few campouts because it wasn't explained to us that he could attend the camping part of a trip even if he didn't bike the 40 miles. there was no way he could do 40 miles the first time on his bike in the spring - he just wasn't used to it.


Once I got the names and jobs down, figured out how to get information, etc. I got into working with the troop - reading, training and getting involved - I realized too - that our troop was not a "Boy Scout" troop. It was a boy's club in uniform that followed some dads on trips, surviving mostly on past reputation and ancient history.


the adults planned & carried out the whole program


the boys did not use patrols for anything (except flag ceremonies and small stuff. Campouts the whole troop planned meals and usually the younger boys cleaned while the older ones cooked - unless one needed cooking for a rank advancement.


PL's were elected - but they didn't do anything but start a phone chain - SPL and ASPL were elected and attended Committee meetings.


there was no PLC - the boys who were interested in putting in their 2 cents worth came to the committee meetings, where they could talk but not vote.


the committee made ALL decisions - where and when campouts were, what summer camp to attend, what fundraisers to do and when, what the money was spent on or saved for, what equipments was boought or replaced (though none of them ever went on the campouts to see that equipment used) what the cost of campouts were - and seldom (if ever) asked what the boys wanted.


there was lots more - when a few of us recognised the need for a boy lead BOY SCOUT troop - there was almost a war - but the adults DID wrest the leadership from the committee and gave it back to the boys.


We now have a great boy lead troop - it's not perfect - they're learning - but it's THEIRS.





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