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French Scouting information?

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Scout Promise

France (La Promesse Scoute/The Scout Promise of the Guides et Scouts d'Europe, in French, with English translation)


Sur mon honneur, avec la grce de Dieu, je m'engage servir de mon mieux Dieu, l'glise, ma patrie et l'Europe, aider mon prochain en toutes circonstances, observer la loi scoute.


[On my honor, with the grace of God, I promise to do my best to serve God, the Church, my country and Europe, to help my neighbor in all circumstances, to keep the Scout Law.]



Scout Law

France (La Loi Scoute/The Scout Law of the Guides et Scouts d'Europe, in French, with English translation)


1. Le scout met son honneur mriter confiance.

2. Le scout est loyal son pays, ses parents, ses chefs et ses subordonns.

3. Le scout est fait pour servir et sauver son prochain.

4. Le scout est l'ami de tous et le frre de tout autre scout.

5. Le scout est courtois et chevaleresque.

6. Le scout voit dans la nature l'uvre de Dieu : il aime les plantes et les animaux.

7. Le scout obit sans rplique et ne fait rien moiti.

8. Le scout est matre de soi : il sourit et chante dans les difficults.

9. Le scout est conome et prend soin du bien d'autrui.

10. Le scout est pur dans ses penses, ses paroles et ses actes.


1. A scout wears his honor to deserve confidence.

2. A scout is faithful to his country, his parents, his leaders and his subordinates.

3. A scout exists to serve and to save his neighbor.

4. A scout is a friend to all and a brother to all other scouts.

5. A scout is polite and chivalrous.

6. A scout sees in nature God's handiwork: he likes plants and animals.

7. A scout obeys without retort and does nothing by half.

8. A scout is master of himself: he smiles and sings in difficulties.

9. A scout is thrifty and takes care of the welfare of others.

10. A scout is pure in his thoughts, his words and his actions.




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