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Chapter adviser and the district committee

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I'm curious how your chapter adviser/OA chapter is represented on the district's committee. It isn't really a chair position on the committee, but who is the chapter adviser ultimately responsible to, the lodge adviser or the district committee chair?

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the chapter adviser a unique position in that we serve "two masters': the lodge adviser and the district chairman. When I was a DE, the DE recommended folks to the lodge staff adviser to be the CA. When I took over as CA, I was given"the box" with all the chapter's paperwork by the CA and I informed the LA I was taking over. With my replacement, I discussed it with the LA, who said whoever the chapter approves is OK with him, and the District chair, who said ht e same thing since he just transferred into the distrioct last year and is getting his feet wet with us.


Usually the CA is part of the camping committee since we do camp promos, as well as run events at camporee and Webeloree. However we gave our own reports, and when the Chapter chief attends, he gives the report. CC even has silver loops and a repro CC patch that he wears.


Unfortunately our discom isso small that we do not have breakout sessions, usually report only are given as it's mostly one man shows.

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When I was chapter chief about 7 years ago, the chapter meetings were at the same time as the district roundtables.


I, as the chapter chief, would give the district rountable an overview of what the chapter and lodge had been working on the for the past month. In addition, we would put copies of our chapter newsletter in the roundtable room so the district and troop leaders could see what we had been doing and what was on the calendar.


We were in charge of running the districts camporee, so the chapter advisor was a member of the district camping committee.

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