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OA Elections For Multiple troops

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Has anyone very held an election for more then one troop at the same time and location?


We have several troops that are in very close proximity to each other, some with meeting places across the street from each other, and that meet on the same night. With the problem of finding enough members willing to be on election teams, and having enough Scouters to get them to all the different locations on different nights.


I was toying with the idea of running multiple unit elections on the same night at one location with a smaller team. This way the scouts aren't tied up one or two extra nights a week for two months trying to get all the elections in. Everyone could gather to watch the promo DVD's, then break into their own troops to hold their elections.


Someone suggested made trying to do this a Spring Camporee.


I'm open to suggestions and ideas.



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While I believe the central location idea has some merit. I think that trying to do it at Camporee may not be the best plan. The number of boys at a campout may not be as high as you would get at a normal meeting and you really need everybody there to vote if possible. There are also alot of lodges that will do the tapout at spring camporee so you would already want to have the voting done ahead of time.

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How long do your elections take? I would hope not more that 15-20 minutes. Why not do one and then do the other?


The issue you have with having elections at a location other than the regular troop meeting is having quorum. Getting +50% of the scouts to go somewhere for an elections may be difficult. Out troop sends a election team to another troop who is coming to our meeting. The teams come to their regular meeting place, cast their votes then go to the other meeting place to conduct the election.


When I was a youth (33 years ago) the team went to the camporee, we would conduct elections for any troops that still needed them and then did the tap-out that night. And yes, we did it without any adults tagging along.

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