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First of all welcome to the forums!


To perhaps over-simplify, the primary function of adults in the OA is to serve as advisors to the youth leaders. The Chapter Advisor serves as the advisor to the Chapter Chief, and as such is also an ex officio member of the District Camping Promotion committee (at least in this Council). You should expect to attend all chapter meetings, the Lodge Executive Committee meetings, all OA events, and District Committee meetings.


From the title of your topic, if you are also a SM, it might be a little much to try to do both jobs, that's up to you, but an Arrowman's first obligation is to his/her unit.

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I'll agree with everything Scoutldr says. That's how my district/Council/Lodge in suburband KC also does things!


I'd especially ask you to look at your time budget. You are blocking out up to 3 days a month for district/OA duties as a Chapter Advisor. Additionally, if your Chapter meets the same night as Roundtable, you have Chapter duties that may come before improving yourself for your Troop service. Can you spare that time from your duties to guide and mentor young men in your Troop?


None of us can answer that question for you!

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"I have recently been asked to be our OA Chapter Advisor and I have looked atthe Scout office and online for information regarding the responsibilities and duties of this position. I found the recent online downloads but it is very vague as to the informatin I am looking for. Can anyone send me in the right direction?"


Yes. Am suprised this hasn't been addressed.


Go to the National OA website at www.oa-bsa.org and go to Resource then Publications and print out a copy ofthe Guide for Officers and Advisors. That will help. (I hope your lodge gave you a copy, but maybe not). Other publications may also be of use.


Hopefully, your lodge will be offering a Lodge Leadership Development event, and you should attend with your chapter chief.


If you can, attend one of the upcoming National Lodge Advisor Training Seminars offered around the country.


This will all help you (and your chapter and lodge)


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