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Using the names of Prinicples

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At my OA meeting the question was raised of weather or not you can use the names of the Principles at Crossover and Call-out ceremonies. I remember reading on either the OA National, or Regional website that it was not allowed. When I went to find it, I couldn't. Does anyone know of someplace official that discusses this?




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im not sure if it would directly say anything about saying the principles anmes, but the category is under a term called ceremonial progression. Its a long explanation regarding how much a person can know about the OA at a certain time. All call out ceremonies should technically avoid using principles names because they have not yet been inducted into the order. The number of taps also fall into this category

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ahh.. here there it is...page 20 of the guide to inductions...


"The ceremonial principles should not reveal their names until they issue the series of challenges at the ordeal. Therefore, it is inappropriate to use the names ******[censored because this thread isnt safeguarded]********** in call-outs. If the characters are referred to by name, it would be more appropriate to call them chief, guide, etc."



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Being the maven of ceremonies I fancy myself to be, I have seen scripts for OA styled Eagle Scout Courts of Honor. And the names of the priciples are used in the script and during the ceremony. Given there will likely be non-OAscouts in attendance and members of the gerneral public present as well, does this mean the scripts should be expunged of the priciples name?


BTW, do a google search for the priciples, if its supposed to be a secret, YIKES!(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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My answer would be yes, the names should be changed. What is more scary than doing a search for the names of the principles is doing a search for the adminition. I have been in contact with them trying to get them to change it. Sometimes it worked, othertimes it didn't.


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Just because supply division sells a book of Eagle COH ceremonies that includes an OA themed COH with the names in it doesn't make it right.


I personally thought the OA themed one seemed a bit hoaky to put it mildly. I was the chief of my lodge at the time I recieved my Eagle. I didn't even seriously consider using the OA themed one, in part because of the issue of the principles, but also because it is a COH conducted with my troop, not an event of the lodge. Heck, I don't even like it when people wear an OA sash to a COH unless their is some special reason.


Of coarse some people think I am one of those book thumping, rule quoting, overly technical types that are never any fun.


If this were a safeguarded discussion there are also several other reasons I would mention not to use the names of the principles. If you are big into ceremonies you can probably think of some of the same reasons I am thinking of. (Some people could even think of more I am sure.)


In any case it is clearly spelled out in policy, so no need to get into the symbolism and such in the first place.

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