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Vigil, MOS, Tribe of Manassah, other HCS names

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My vigil honor name is Klamachpin Elitehat which translates to "Quiet As He Thinks."



On camp staff this summer, I was known as the Sheriff. Or The Sheriff of Rowingham, if you aren't into the whole brevity thing.

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My Mic-O-Say tribal name is Sachem Sunlit Valley (Sachem is the "job title" of my present tribal council position). I chose the name Sunlit Valley in reference to the Osage River Valley where the Bartle Scout Reservation is situated. An interesting tradition in MOS at Bartle is for family members to use variations of the same name such as

just for example:

Big Brown Bear

Little Brown Bear

Least Brown Bear

Son of Little Brown Bear.....You get the idea. If my son is called into the Tribe this summer he is thinking of taking the name "Reflection Of Sunlit Valley".

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Wulelensin Woapalanne is the name I was given with the Vigil Honor. It translates to Proud Eagle.


I currently hold my lodge's copy of "A Lenape-English Dictionary". If anyone is in need of assistance with small scale translations I would be glad to assist. (assuming I read your message in 24hrs and have time to respond)

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An interesting historical tidbit: The Delaware tribe were indigenous to the southeastern Pennsylvania area (home of Treasure Island Scout Reservation where OA was founded). The German settlers of Pennsylvania (my ancestors) were the first to write down the language of the Delaware, or "Lenni Lenape", and they spelled the words phonetically...in German. If you have a scout taking German, ask him to pronounce the Lenni Lenape word as if it were a German word...and it will be pretty close. FWIW

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MOS tribal name is Tall White Buffalo Guard. Paint station is Adult Runner. The name comes from one my height, 6'6", troops totem (white buffalo) and Guard to honor my dad. (retired 30 plus years Missouri Natl Guard).


Dads tribal name Great White Buffalo Guard

Brothers: White Buffalo Guard and Little White Buffalo Guard. All Bartle tribesmen and all Tribal Council.


Sons Tribal names: White Buffalo Guard and Tall Buffalo Guard. Both are Runners in the tribe. Both are Geiger tribesmen.

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  • 1 year later...

actually, you wouldn't want to pronounce everything in in lenape as if it were german. German pronounes this letter "w" as if it were a "v." In lenape "w" has a differnt sound. Run your tongue along the roof of your mouth, notice that you feelthe hard palate then the soft palate; the distinction will be important in a minute. When we pronounce "y" in english, we raise the back of the tongue towards the hard palate and keep our lips unrounded, when we pronounce "w" we raise a point further back on the tongue towards the soft palate and round our lips. The ;etter "w" in lenape indicates a sound made by raising the back part of the tongue towards the soft palate to make a "w" in english, but the lips are kept very wide open as if making the english "y." The lenapre "ch" is the same as the famous german sound. Raise the back of the tongue towards the soft palate once again, this time as if making the english "k." Don't close the gap between tongue and palate quite all the way, allow enogh room to let air get out and create friction. The last pronunciation oddity in lenape is "L." It's the same as the "ll" in Welsh. Put the tounge in the posistion to make an english "l" and just breath out, don't let your vocal chords start to vibrate as they do during the english "l." Just make the "l" position and say the english sound "h."

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  • 2 months later...

I just got my Vigil this past weekend. I'm now Klamachpin Lippoe, Quiet Wise One.


Two of my friends who were in my Vigil class are now Takachsin Wuliechsin (Leader who speaks with talent) and Wuski Takachsin Wulelendamoagan (Young leader with dry humor)

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I just got my Vigil this past weekend. I'm now Klamachpin Lippoe, Quiet Wise One.


Two of my friends who were in my Vigil class are now Takachsin Wuliechsin (Leader who speaks with talent) and Wuski Takachsin Wulelendamoagan (Young leader with dry humor)

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I just got my Vigil this past weekend. I'm now Klamachpin Lippoe, Quiet Wise One.


Two of my friends who were in my Vigil class are now Takachsin Wuliechsin (Leader who speaks with talent) and Wuski Takachsin Wulelendamoagan (Young leader with dry humor)

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