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Looking for Assistance with Scout's Personal Account

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Eamonn said >Things in Scouting go so much better when we work hard at Communicating and don't allow a few people do all the work. >


Amen, brother. Truer words were never spoken. Not just in Scouts, but in life. This, IMHO, is THE most important leadership skill.




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We do have the buys-in from the Treasurer and the Committee. Our Treasurer just doesn't want to do the accounting to that level of tedious boredom. She is will to support someone taking over that portion while she takes care of the check and balance of the troop's piggy. So, I have to come up with the process to make sure that the credits flow correctly! Great ... having an engineer doing an accountant's work, I'm sure that it will be rough, but my cubscout motto still lives in me ... I'm gonna "do my best!"



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We always state before we start a fund raiser where to money will, general fund or scout accounts. For the general fund, I usually let the boys know what the money is going for; New tents, Cook gear, or maybe a winter cabin rental at our local scout camp. We also let them know what things will cost so they how much we need to raise. Give the boys ownership and they will run with the ball.

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