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Are Taoist boys allowed to join BSA?

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What happens if a Taoist (or some other non-Christian) doesn't attend a camp worship service that is Christian based.




Um, he gets to spend more time catching frogs down by the lake? He gets a chance to perfect an omelet for cooking MB?


Nothing "happens". In most camps yeh only get a subset of troops and kids at da camp services even on a good day. ;)




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As a Scouter, I don't think I have any issue. From what I've read, Taoism is a faith grouping.


As far as religious emblems go, IIRC there have to be a minimum number of units chartered nationally for the National Council Religious Relationships Committee to authorize recognition of an emblem.


OGE: Scouts Own services that try to be generic God are offensive to Jew, Christian, and Muslim alike. As I recall, the Christ said: I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. I'll let it rest there, though, we've had that debate elsewhere on this Forum, and our OP had a specific Scouting question.


Bob, I hope you understand that while I disagree with the theology, I believe you want to raise a good young man on the Scouting trail.

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The online Merriam-Webster has this entry for denigrate:

Main Entry: denigrate

Pronunciation: \ˈde-ni-ˌgrāt

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): denigrated; denigrating

Etymology: Latin denigratus, past participle of denigrare, from de- + nigrare to blacken, from nigr-, niger black

Date: 1526

1 : to attack the reputation of : defame

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"I'll change my attitude towards the BSA when the BSA stops denigrating and excluding atheists, not before. I don't consider it bigoted to be against an organization that denigrates a class of people."


So you don't believe in freedom of association? You don't have to like the BSA or its policies but the first amendment gives organizations the right to decide who its members will be.


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Scoutfish writes:

Merlyn asked: "Which James Dale do you mean? The gay one?"


So only for clarification's sake, I ask Merlyn:


Why do you say "the gay one" ?


How do you know he's gay?


I don't, because I don't know which James Dale. But if it's the gay one, I think he's gay.


vol_scouter writes:

The BSA does not allow atheist members but that is not defaming or denying the importance or validity of the views of atheists.


When the BSA says "Boy Scouts of America believes that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God," that's denigrating atheists.


DeaconLance writes:

So you don't believe in freedom of association?


I haven't stopped the BSA's freedom of association; I criticize the BSA. So you don't believe in free speech?

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"Camp wide worship services are not Christian based..." OGE, you need to visit some other parts of the country. WOW.

In this unit the boy gets some free time back at camp, as Beavah suggested, along with at least two adult leaders and often along with the entire rest of this unit - if we give ALL the boys the same choice. Sadly, the alternative of letting a boy be excluded, even if by 'choice', is often viewed by the members of the majority faith as being fair to those in the minority.

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Well Pack, give me credit for adding "least wise none I have ever attended". Comes from being in a Council with a heavy Jewish population and quite a few Hindus.


In other areas of the Country? Well as all scouting is local, as is politics, the economy and heck just about everything I would not project my experiences as the national norm, just my experiences. Also, just because there is a BSA policy I have no delusion that it is followed. (IE The Uniform). All this talk about what is on the applications lead me to see this on the youth application,page 2


"Members who do not belong to a units religious chartered Organization shall not be required to participate in its religious activities."


Wonder how many times that is disregarded, quite often from posts here

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"Scouters and Scouts are not like other people"! Their rules and guidelines make them "super humans"! They "never" veer into any grey areas, nor deviate from the exact definition(s) of their Law and Oath. None of them "ever" look for an "easier way", or a more rational and balanced perspective. They are ALWAYS in agreement as to the meaning of their tenets. They ALWAYS perform exactly as they should. Why? How?


BECAUSE THEY ARE SCOUTERS AND SCOUTS!(This message has been edited by skeptic)

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