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where is the outrage?

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Where is the outrage folks?


Pastor Steven Anderson of Arizona gave a sermon entitled "Why I hate Barack Obama" and in it, among other things, he says he's going to pray for Barack Obama to die.


CNN yesterday was the only channel on which I've heard anything about this and saw a video clip of the sermon in which Anderson says to his congregation: I hate Barack Obama, I'm going to tell you why I hate Barack Obama, and let me tell you why GOD hates Barack Obama.


So, I ask again, where is the righteous indignation and outrage over this? Where is the endless replay of the video clip. Hello? Hello? Anyone?



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First, I condemn such statements. "Judge not lest you be judged" refers to man judging where another man's soul will end up. So it is not up to us to determine the mind of God toward a particular individual. The congregation should have a heart to heart discussion with this minister.


The answer to your question is: the same place as all the coverage a true grass roots movement that brought hundreds of thousands (likely in excess of a million) to DC yesterday (my estimate based on the estimator used by USA Today for Obama's inauguration). Has Senator McCain, or someone else who is politically important, been listening to this kind of talk for 20 years?

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Yah, this kind of shrill ugliness runs a terrible risk, eh? Pastors of souls can "inspire" the emotionally needy of their flock to take action with words and abjurations like this, eh?


Almost at times seems like that's what they want. Wink wink, nudge nudge, somebody should shoot da president for God.


Then afterward they can all feign ignorance and pretend they never meant that, da poor young fool just misunderstood.


There's a special place in hell for those who would lead their flocks and especially their young astray in such a way. Better for millstone to be tied around their neck and cast into da sea fer sure. I see this fellow is another one of those whose website proudly proclaims he has no college degree, nor any education for Christian ministry. Badge of honor to be ignorant, eh?


The President will be in my prayers tonight. May he be protected and kept from those who would twist the word of God, and from the ignorance of those who may follow such false prophets.


But I won't pray for da death of this pastor, eh? Real Christians don't do that sort of thing. I'll pray for his conversion.


But let's also remember this fellow isn't da pastor of a presidential candidate. So he really doesn't merit air time. Nor do we really want his views gettin' a whole lot of play.



(This message has been edited by Beavah)

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It seems the hacks on the left like to point out the kooks on the right and the hacks on the right like to point out the kooks on the left. The goal being to make the kooks appear to be the norm.


Both major parties play to the lowest common denominator. I believe that most people who get involved in politics do so with good intentions. But in order to get elected they must sell their soul to the devil of the political machine.


Sadly, our media go along and report this nonsense because WE like to read it. How do you think the tabloids have stayed in business?

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Is this like killing commies for Christ? I heard that a lot way back when. Sometimes I heard, in church, all sorts of violent ideas directed toward infidels of 'different' sorts.



You can get a link to listen to it on this website.

Remember, "The purpose of religion isn't to bring people together."

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Anderson is a nutbar extraordinaire, and he likes the attention. He's always posting his stupid nutbar things on youtube--like getting tased by border or highway patrol (I forget which agency did it, but he got tased because he refused to comply at a border patrol checkpoint.)


He's a crazyman, and the more publicity he gets, the more his coffers swell. (his wife solicts donations for his "legal fund.")

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Greaves is right on, when the press gives these isolated nutjobs publicity because they are supposed clergy, most of whom really are not. You know in less than 10 minutes you can get yourself ordained online, get a fancy ordination certificate, and never had one day of education or training. Then rent a storefront, start a church and scream all the moronic hate you can think of, and the press will give you all the free publicity you want, isn't America great.


So much of modern day journalism is nothing more than just cheap theatrics and sensationalism, with very few facts, cuz it sells papers and air time and thats all jounalists seem to care about these days. Ignoring these self proclaimed prophets is the best way to shut them up.

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His credential: He has memorized 100 chapters of the Bible. Big whup. It's not how you know them, it's that you apply them.


I must agree with the others. This guy is best left ignored by the civil press in terms of gratifying him.


Pray for him, though: Today's BFO is he doesn't understand the single important ethic of Christendom: Love your neighbor as yourself.(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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What I find most telling is the relative quiet of the media over this versus the circus surrounding the Reverend White and words of his that were taken fully out of context by the right wing, and the media who don't seem capable of getting a simple quote like "The cat is sitting on a chair" right, let alone a challenging concept that makes on think.

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