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Voting with our pocketbooks.

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I think that is as valid as the bumber sticker I saw last week, Buy American - Union Made, only thing was it was on the bumper of a BMW. We are all fortunate enough to live in a country that allows us to choose our leaders and now someone you don't like wins and you want to go after all you think that is responsible for him winning. I guess the only thing I can say is "Would like some cheese with your whine"?

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I really have to wonder about our educational system. Yah, I knew things were bad in the schools some places. But I at least figured fellow conservatives actually got enough schooling to know what "socialism" really means.


Government bailouts and major stock purchases in corporations is socialism, eh? Government ownership of the means of production. Yah, and it's "redistribution of wealth" too, eh? From the taxpayer straight into the pockets of inept or corrupt business execs. This Republican administration is engaged in the most massive socialization of risk in da history of the country, picking and choosing winners (AIG) and losers (Lehman) in the private sector with a trillion or so of our tax dollars. No, sorry, with a trillion dollars borrowed at interest from the Chinese by mortgaging our grandchildren.


Anyone surprised that AIG is gettin' the bailout when they had the most effective government lobbyists? Anyone astonished that the AIG execs are still takin' million dollar partridge-hunting resort junkets at our expense?


Yah, that's "neo-conservative" socialism and redistribution of wealth for yeh.


At least helpin' my neighbor keep a roof over his kids' heads feels a bit more like plain old Christian charity. If da government has to do one or the other, I'd rather it be the latter. And quite frankly, I wouldn't mind a lick if we re-distributed all the net worth of da greedy fools who served as execs and board members of financial houses and insurers and auto makers. When you're the guy responsible and things fall apart because of your decisions, you should take the hit personally. Not flee on a $100 million taxpayer financed golden parachute while your workers and your neighbors are left jobless or homeless.


I reckon we've had neo-cons and pseudo-religious politicos for so long that a lot of folks have forgotten what it means to be truly Christian conservatives. It sure ain't to boycott fellow Americans with different political viewpoints. It's to behave honorably, with personal responsibility and charity toward others. Yah, and to hold those with responsibility accountable.


Da Republican Party was held accountable by the people in the last election. That is conservative, eh?




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Actually, funscout, my personal little boycott of Domino's has nothing to do with McCain.


Yeh believe their pizza crust is takin' jobs away from cardboard manufacturers?


Or that da yellow plastic stuff they use for cheese causes global warming?






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Most people that I know who boycott Domino's do it, because the former owner of Domino's is a prominent financial supporter of the pro-life movement. However, he sold Domino's in 1998, and has nothing to do with the company anymore--his current interest is in the Ave Maria foundation. (at least according to snopes.com)

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Dang, Beavah, I have to agree again.

And with regard to pizza, it's been so long since I ate any of the stuff (and for cryin' out loud I'm on a college campus!) that I've almost developed a yearning for it again. Would someone please put a stake through my heart?

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King.fish. Let me applaud you for your individual stand against the ever encroaching liberalism in America. While you are boycotting those companies in the blue states, better make sure you check out other things that may permit the dreaded left into your life:


Before you put anything in your grocery cart, check out its provenance, especially those sneaky fruits and vegetables which are very likely to have been grown in California or. Oh wait, only liberal elitists eat fruits and vegetables, real Americans eat meat and potatoes. In that case, just make sure where your taters come from and where the cattle graze (probably pretty safe there).


Keep up the good fight.

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I went to very good schools, Beav and I know Socialism when I see it. I am not condoning the ineptitude of the Bush administration. But swinging the pendulum all the way to the left is not the answer either.


Charity is when I prayerfully decide how to redistribute my wealth, which I manage to do very liberally on my own (more so than Biden did). Socialism is when the Government decides how I will donate my money, and I will fight that to the death.


Too late now. We'll get the Government we deserve.

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The pizza which keeps Mizzou happy. It really is good stuff, it's the only place EagleSon wants me to take him when I run over for a concert of his...



Beavah: Now, we have to get the Conservative movement to line up its core beliefs, and then to act on them. I agree, right now the US is starting to look like Kruschev got it right those years ago.


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scoutldr: "Socialism is when the Government decides how I will donate my money, and I will fight that to the death."


You do realize that the government (as alternately controlled by the Democrats and Republicans) was doing this since before you were a wage earning tax payer don't you? This is nothing new.

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