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Checking on an apllicant

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The background check will bring to light any legal miss deeds. Hopefully!


But does checking out the references of the applicant really work?


Most people put down close friends or relatives with different names for references. It seems you really dont get any negative comments.


You might get some indication of trouble from the employer, but companies like their employees to volunteer and rarely give a bad report.


If they mention scouting experience and you know the unit, do people really follow up to see if there were any problems? Is it easy to do so? In council, maybe yes, out of council?


The reason I bring this up is this: I think there should be a council resource for leader information, good and bad. A work file you might say. Possibly a complaint/praise department. When leadership has changed, I think a short form should be filled out to as why this leader is leaving his/her position. This would give the committee a chance to let other know of any problems. If a SM has been asked to step down and leave the troop, shouldnt his new troop know this before the problems in the new troop?


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Doesn't the applicant have to 'give' his/her drivers license and ss number??? I know the last time I changed a position in Scouting I had to give my drivers license number. The DE at the time asked, me if had any thing to hide. I sa no.

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Btps, on the current version of the adult application (in use a little over a year, I think) you have to give your Social Security number so that the criminal background check can be performed. (The application also includes an acknowledgment that the background check will be performed and that you are being asked to provide otherwise personal and confidential information for that purpose.)

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The primary purpose of the background check is to screen out convicted felons and sexual predators. But they have to have been convicted to be listed. Convicted abusers are the proverbial 'tip of the iceberg'. Most child abuse is never reported to the proper authorities and many that are are not convicted.


You would be surprised the number of applicants who make do not give accurate information on the references. They are counting on the fact that no one follows up on them. To often those responsible will look at who is listed and if they are familiar with the name, or impressed by their position, approve the application without any follow up.


I also have to wonder what kind of questions are asked when pessimistic, people who talk negatively of scouting, parents and youth, are approved for membership. Did someone think that the person would change once he paid his membership fee?


The unit has a responsible to select appropriate, qualified, leaders. If you do not follow up on references and seek out people with the characteristics needed for good scouting then you will get what you deserve in the quality of your program.

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While the Adult Application form will we hope keep known criminals out of Scouting. Another sure way is to use a nominating committee. The people on the committee if they have are up to the task will steer clear of known trouble makers.

I have sat on the District Nominating Committee and you can bet your last dollar that if someone is known to be a real pain in the neck, I sure as heck don't want them and have no need of their services. I do check the references that people provide. To not do so would make asking them to provide them a waste of time.

Some years back when I was a Cubmaster a Lady signed her son up to join the pack and said that she was interested in helping with the pack. She filled out the application. When I got home I phoned the people she had listed. The first person I called said that she was fine as long as she was on her meds!!

The second informed me that this Lady was nuts!!

The third informed me that the Lady had been fired by the local hospital for terroristic threats. Her Who Must Be Obeyed works at the local hospital, so I asked her and she informed me that the Lady was as nutty as a fruit cake. I had to phone her and explain that I had heard that she was ill and we couldn't proceed with her application. She must have been having a good day. She said that she understood. Her son went into the pack and the last time I saw him he was a Life Scout.

Her Who Must Be Obeyed was worried that the Lady might have a big gun. Some people in the District wish that she had.

I live a charmed life.


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