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Rebuilding a troop - I need advice!

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I'm new to Scouting and last month volunteered to help rebuild a troop. I was asked to serve as the Committee Chairman and already I'm faced with several difficult issues. The problem on my mind today is the fact that the charter organization controls the finances and it takes an act of Congress to buy supplies, books, etc. The troop hasn't had a committee in some time so it has been helpful the the sponsor has kept up with the money. But now that we are forming a committee we are learning our responsibilitiessuch as managing the finances. Has anyone faced this problem before? Please help.


Bill Smith

Troop 911

Monroe Louisiana

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I'm committee chairman of a pack. I'm assuming that up until now your sponsor or Chartered Organization has been financing the Troop. I don't think it unreasonable that if they were providing the money that they should want to control it.


But now, as they say, there is a new sheriff in town. I think now is the time to set the expectation with the CO that the troop will be largely self-supporting AND will manage it's own finances. Don't wait until next year when the Troop has built up a nest egg and there is some conflict over an expense.


This is a good conversation to have with the Chartered Organization Representative and/or the person who recruited you. Involve your new treasurer, if you have one, and possibly your Unit Commissioner or District Executive. Explain to them how Troop finances will be handled, how the Troop decides make expenditures and agree on what kind of reporting you will make to the CO.

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Thanks TwoCub Dad,


I appreciate the advice. Actually, the troop has been self-supported for the past 5 years. The CO does not contribute except to provide a meeting place and manage the checking account.

Wish me luck!


Bill Smith

Troop 911

Monroe Louisiana


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Good luck and all that. Try to find someone that is willing to be in charge of recruitment, without packs supporting the troop it gets tough.


Is there anyone in the troop or committee willing to take on troop finances? Seems that might be the way to go.


What is your troop membership and are they acive?



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Red Feather,


Thank you for your reply. We have about 20 active scouts and another 10 that love to show up at the "fun" events.


We do have someone that is willing to take on the finances. That's not the trouble. The Charter Organization insists on doing that for the troop. I plan to talk with the District Executive next week.


Thanks everyone,


Bill Smith

Troop 911

Monroe Louisiana

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Please explain what you mean by "manage the checkbook." Can committee members (treasurer, committee chair) write checks?


The charter organization has been granted a "franchise" by the BSA to have a troop. It is their troop. It owns all monies, equipment, troop number and all. My experience is that most COs are not involved enough in the troops/packs. Is the COR a memeber of your committee? If not, that would be a good suggestion, have them join and attend.


Good luck.

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My understanding is that a unit checkbook is supposed to be in the hands of the unit treasurer, who is a member of the unit committee. (The unit being the troop in this case.) Ideally, two signatures should be required on checks, but again, both of these should be committee members (for example, the committee chair and treasurer.) If the CO insists on handling the checkbook and writing the checks, then the person doing that is effectively your treasurer. If you have to go through a lot of bureacracy within the CO to get a check written from the troop checkbook, then in effect the "bureacracy" is your treasurer, and perhaps the governing entity of your CO is really acting as the troop committee, at least on financial matters. I don't think it's supposed to be that way. That does not mean that the CO necessarily has to give up all "control" over the checkbook. Technically, the CO (through the CR, I believe) appoints the committee, though in the case of my pack's CO, this really consists of the IH or CR signing whatever applications for committee membership, or annual charter papers, that we put in front of them to sign. The CR could, if he/she wishes, effectively appoint himself/herself to the committee, as treasurer. The IH could do so as well, I believe. But the difference between that and what you have now is that the person controlling your checkbook, though still the IH or CR, would actually be sitting there in your committee meetings, as a member of the committee, rather than being high on a mountaintop somewhere, with your checkbook. If they want to be the troop treasurer, let them be the troop treasurer.

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Not knowing all their concerns and objections I can't tell you specifically how to approach the CO. But perhaps there is some mid-ground -- they keep the books, but loosen up on he purse strings? Or if your Council offers it, open an account with the Scout Shop and allow the SM and CC to make purchases there. Or set up a petty cash account with a not-to-exceed spending limit.


I still think now is the time to get this settled. Presumably the CO asked you to take the job. They need to give you the tools to allow you to do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NJ, That is a lot more detail than I have ever considered. I would be glad for anyone interested to take a place on our troop committee, we have trouble filling all the slots. Our CO does have a budget line for our troop to cover registration fees for all the volunteer leaders and the chartering fee. But our troop has its own checking account, independent of the CO. For other reasons I have tried to get this moved back to the CO for management because it would actually allow greater access by the troop and, I think, less chance of error (I could be wrong). And donations to the church (earmarked for the troop) would be deductable. I suppose every situation has unique features. I suppose there is a potential problem with control but as mentioned before, the CO owns everything.

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