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Do we truly want to protect our children?

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Has our society become so sophisticated that we are willing to sacrifice our children to ensure our status as progressives? What's more important, proving ourselves to be uncompromising intellectuals, or protecting our children?


I am sick of the horrid stories of child kidnap, rape, and murder, which have become the norm in our country. But what sickens me more, are those self-professed academics that have twisted and perverted our criminal justice system. Consequently, across the country, many states cuddle and protect the perpetrators of these crimes. Our justice system has been turned upside down. Our courts should have two top priorities - 1) protect society, and 2) ensure justice for the victim and his/her family. A third, but very secondary priority, should be to reform the offender. Unfortunately, we have become so refined; we are willing to sacrifice the first two priorities in a flailing and most often unsuccessful attempt to attain the third priority. I am disgusted and enraged that innocent children must pay the price while judges and politicians (and their supporters) try to out do one another to be urbane and open-minded. Let's get real. Get rid of the probation system. Seek the death penalty for those monsters that seek out our children. To those folks who wish to embrace a justice system that puts your children second or third, I pray that you open your eyes.


Just venting


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"Has our society become so sophisticated that we are willing to sacrifice our children to ensure our status as progressives? What's more important, proving ourselves to be uncompromising intellectuals, or protecting our children?"


Alas, it has. Our whole society is going to hell in a hand basket because we are told that no one is responsible for their actions and that we need to be tolerant.


There are two monsters in my neighborhood. Not just noisy, rowdy kids. Monsters. They cover car with mud, spray paint fences, curse at adults, steal, and more. Their mom says that we need to understand her boys because they have "issues."


Why is it that Wall Street crowd is being held responsible for their actions but murderers aren't? Money. We are showing that money is more important than anything else in our society. People whine that lives were ruined because retirement funds were lost. However, no one died.


My wonderful state will give me a permit to carry a gun but it is only valid when I'm making a CASH deposit at my bank. This tells me that the state considers my cash to be more important than my life. What am I supposed to do if I'm mugged when I'm making a deposit of checks? What am I to do when the robber misjudges the day and picks a day when I'm going to the bank to talk about a loan and not make a deposit? The state doesn't care because no money is lost.


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It has been my understanding that child molesters can NOT be reformed. Some people might be able to reform their ways, but not all.


Do keep in mind that we here about more of the horrible cases than we did in years past -- thanks to CNN and the web. Weirdos have always been out there.


That parent with kids that have "issues" needs to face reality. We all have "issues" but it doesn't make us vandals and criminals. We find a way to cope and get on with life.


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I'm with you all the way, Rooster7!


I believe that money (& how it is spent) has a lot to do with the lack of real justice. Many folks do not want to have taxes raised to fund prisons, court expenses, etc. Nor does the existing bureaucracy (sp?) want to undergo a much-needed overhaul on how they spend taxpayer funds. So we are stuck with criminals out on the streets that shouldn't be. Also, no-one wants a prison near them, driving down their property values, etc. So let's wrap the lack of funds up in a nice warm blanket called "loving tolerance" and set the wolves out to hunt our children.


I think the average person is outraged by what is happening to children in America, but not enough yet to do much about it - not even vote to the proactive politicians into office and get the vacuous, sophisticated lame-os out.


We live in the country, and we have a pedophile living in our neighborhood. He likes to peep in windows at night. The police won't do anything because "he's served his time, and (the police) haven't caught him doing anything". We have seen evidence that he's been by our house, cigarette butts and beer trash. (we don't do either) We noticed that the man would walk from the back of our 5-acre plot to get onto our street. After all the support from the police - they offered to increase patrols in our neighborhood, but we couldn't tell any difference - my husband finally had enough. He sat out one night with our huge dog and waited for the guy. Then he let the dog loose, and she chased him for a block or more. Never saw evidence of him by our property again. I hope he's moved away.

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Do keep in mind that we hear about more of the horrible cases than we did in years past -- thanks to CNN and the web. Weirdoes have always been out there.


To some degree, this statement is a comforting thought. If true, it means our children are no more at risk than previous generations. If true, it means our children are as safe as we were as kids. Do you really believe this to be true? I don't. When I was I child, I explored miles of creeks and wooded areas around my home (in Maryland). By the time I was 12, I was familiar with every neighborhood within a four to five mile radius. Today, I won't let my 12-year-old walk to the pool without a friend accompanying him. Do you think I am being paranoid? Probably more than most, but I have good reason.


I seriously challenge the notion that there were just as many weirdoes walking around 70, 60, 50, 40, or even 30 years ago as there are today. Do you think major newspapers conveniently buried all the stories of child kidnap and murder for decades? Do you think there was a government conspiracy to keep these crimes a secret? There was a time when "the crime of the century" was the St. Valentines Day Massacre or the Lindbergh kidnapping. In the past 15 years, in my state alone, I know of a massacre in an apartment complex that claimed seven lives, several child abductions and murders, countless rapes, and a never-ending series of drug related murders. Yes, weirdoes, rapists, and murders have been around forever. But don't kid yourself, they are growing in number everyday.


I know there are some that think the key to making our nation healthier, is to release our Victorian attitudes, and to indulge ourselves without embarrassment. Frankly, I think we surpassed that so-called barrier many years ago and we are now feeding a very sick society. One can hardly turn on a television set without being bombarded with a sexually laced message. Pornography is pervasive in our communities. We are told that its only natural for "healthy, curious boys" to seek and view this material. Sex between teenagers is expected. Indiscriminately violent and obscene shows like 'South Park' are popular. Movies like the Friday 13th series continue on for years because more and more teenagers find the gratuitous and grotesque violence to be entertaining. Rap music proclaims the joys of rape, wife beating, and cop killing. All forms of entertainment are more and more explicit in their portrayals of sex and violence. Even children's cartoons are spiked with sexual messages. A crucifix in a jar of urine is called art. Worse yet, a large number of "art lovers" defends the artist. The more shocking something is, the more it is lauded as entertainment or art. Compare what your father or grandfather's generation called entertainment 40 years ago to what we gratify ourselves with today. Read a newspaper from 40 years ago and compare it to what is happening today. Perhaps the vast majority of Americans have remained relatively unaffected by this attitude ("If it feels good, do it"), but we have created many more monsters - and these monsters are affecting the vast majority of Americans. By the way, in case one should ask, I don't have a scientific study to back up my claim. However, to those who would argue, I say take the veil from your eyes and take a close look at what's going on around you.


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I agree with you Rooster. Recently I have wondered how many of these cases are "copy cat" cases. How many wackos are sitting there and get an idea from having seen another wacko on the news? The internet also makes it easier to access and share pornography. Makes it easy to find victims. I will not let my child have internet access in his room. I would rather let him have a TV in there (which I don't do that either).


Cable TV allows more channels into our homes. It allows more strange and bizarre shows a place in the world. The internet lets every weirdo have his/her podium from which to spout their views. A weirdo then finds another weirdo and starts to justify "I'm not alone in this, so it must be okay".


My mother was considered overly protective of us in the 60's and 70's. She didn't allow us to walk out of the yard alone. Except for my brother to go hunting. As adults, we have found out that some of the men in our family were guilty of incest. My mother knew the strangers weren't the only ones to be scared of. She always knew where we were and who we were with. She knew if we were inside the house or out in the yard. She would sometimes flat out tell us who to NEVER ride in a car with -- no explanation was given but we knew she meant business.


As OGE asks, What is the answer?


What can we as individuals do? Will it help if we reach out to more young people?


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This is not an attempt at being smug. These are the only answers I have:


For the short-term:


Keep one eye on your kids (and the other eye on what they're watching) -

And keep your faith in a righteous and holy God.


For the long-term:


Vote for politicians that believe in traditional values and holding criminals accountable (i.e., appropriate sentences, no probation, death penalty for capital crimes, etc.) -

And keep your faith in a righteous and holy God.


Option B - Run for office if you have the time, energy, and finances -

And keep your faith in a righteous and holy God.


One big advantage of having an eternal perspective and faith in a righteous and holy God - The innocent do not suffer for long and no one escapes justice.



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Keeping our kids safe is such an awesome responsibility--easy to feel overwhelmed by all the negative material we see. I think it is imperative to talk with our kids from an early age; explain to them that sometimes people do things that aren't nice; let them know that they can tell you anything; give them some scenarios of how an adult might try to trick them into going with them or doing things with them that aren't healthy for them and what to do if that occurs. Don't be afraid to be considered a little paranoid. Remember that it is better to be too safe than not safe enough. Buddy system is great--even for older boys. Have them tell you where they will be and when they will be home. Have access to their email accounts and know how to use the computer as well as your children do. It is our responsibilty to supervise our children's activities--don't buy into the popular belief that it denotes a lack of trust-- it doesn't.



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