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BSA and United Way

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As many scouters and parents are aware, local United Way organizations are coming down hard on local BSA councils for excluding out of the closet homosexuals from the organization. While one can still specify one's payroll deduction be paid to a BSA council, BSA in many areas no longer has access to the general pool of funds that is allocated to all United Way beneficiaries. Apparently the national United Way does not want to kick the scouts out of United Way in general since the national BSA was one of the founding charities of United Way as we know it after World War II. So it is a dilemma for scouts, local United Way board members subject to pressure, and individual doners who may think that scouts are getting something out of United Way.


I know of at least one BSA council in the midwest that actually got more out of United Way after the July Supreme Court ruling, even though there were excluded from the general pool of funds by the local United Way organization. That United Way then had the audacity to approach the local council to ask for a piece of the scouts' pie. The council politely declined.


Of course scouts now has FOS. Persons like myself are subject to some pressures to support United Way at work (San Francisco bay area) and I do so, specifying that my contribution goes to my BSA council. I am more generous with FOS. It would be interesting to hear about the experiences of scouters in other parts of the country.

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Here in northeast Florida our council has a great relationship with the United Way. When the funding issue reared its ugly head our United Way chapter flatly stated that they had no intentions of "removing" themselves from Scouting. So, lucky for us, we just go our merry way providing the time tested and proven program of Scouting.


Scouters need to be aware that the decision to fund or not fund is decided by local chapters not some national United Way directive. Last I heard there was only 17 chapters that had distanced themselves from Scouting. So before you pull your donation, check it out. I personally never liked funneling my donations through a third party and quit doing it years ago but I don't have a problem giving to our local United Way.

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I agree with both posts on how designated funds vs. general funds from the UW are dished out. It is true that if funds are designated for an organization that is not part of the UW umbarella, they agency gets the money (case in point Planned Parenthood).


However, the local UW have serveral ways that they can de-fund a chariety and here are two ways it was accomplished here in Washington State.


One local UW had an emergency meeting of the UW board, deliberated and then defunded the Scout. The local board did not ask for community input, a presentation by the local council zip, they just acted.


The other county formed a "citizens advisory board", They meet talked, heard oral and written presentations from both the Boy Scouts and all other concerned entities. The decision was to change the UW policy as it related to non-discrimination for partner agencies. They gave all the agencies (Scouts, YWCA, womena care shelters etc) 1 year to sign or be defunded. In effect the same thing.


In both cases the local media appualed the local UW for the inclusivness, and the ink war continues.


I do not have an answer on how to move forward to not be miered in this, but I submit that we must spotlight the great things that Scouts do. An agressive marketing champaign must be undertaken to show the Scout collecting food at Scouting for Food, Scout O Rama (or any other name you have), service projects, act of heroism and anything else.


We must understand the vocal few (and they are few in most cases) know how to use the press, they are good at it, and have lots of practice. The ink war can not be won on their playing field.


I submit that by showing the Program is the best light we will get through this (inspite of court battles we will be mired in). Since the reality of it is that no matter how often we try to leave this baggage at the train station, someone always reminds us "oh you forgto this".


Given that, we must move past money issues and concentrate on youth service, and volunteer support, by doing that we will move forward.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hooray for all three posters! Im glad youre not attacking the United Way (UW). Overall it is a very good organization and has done a lot of wonderful things for communities. Unfortunately, like TheCommish says, there are a few people that know how to use the press. They are making it their job to advance their own political agenda by manipulating others.


I believe what people need to do is

1. Promote the Good things that Scouting does. I constantly remind Scouters to submit positive news to the local papers and TV stations. Its a lot harder to wage a case against a group that practices helping other people at all times.

2. Let your local chapter of the UW know that you support Scouting and want them to continue their support. Believe me, if the UW knows that they will lose a great deal of financial support, theyre not going to wage a war against the BSA.

3. If your UW has already ceased funding dont sit back and crawl into a hole! Write your paper, send letters and call the UW, and urge others to do the same. Its a sad day in our society when a few (very few) can dictate societys morality.


Overall the whole thing seems ridiculous. How many millions of Americans believe in Scouting? How many millions of Americans believe that the Scout Oath and Law should be something every human being strives to follow? How many millions of Americans believe in traditional family values? And how many of these millions give dollars to the UW? My belief is that its a lot! Its time we take back America and remind people that having values is important and that building Character shouldnt be a lost cause. Accepting others shouldnt require that we leave our values at the wayside.


Personally, Id rather to be broke than live without morals.

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Make that 18 chapters of the United Way that decided to drop funding. Our local chapter just cut funding in the past week, $200,000 dollars now gone down the hole. Since then, our council has been flooded with donations, which actually eclipse the amount they would have gotten from the UW. So it turned out all right.

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I'm sorry to hear that your local chapter pulled funds, but I'm glad to know that it worked out. The more I hear the more I can't help feeling like the presest supportive relationship with our UW chapter will evaporate and that it is just a matter of time.


I would really like for the people responsable for making these decisions to meet our scouts and tell them face to face why our boys don't deserve support. If they have a problem with a national policy, fine, take it up with the people in suits don't take it out on boys that just want to go camping.

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