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Meaningful Training vs Checking Boxes

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Ya know something joebob.......Over the last couple of years I have learned a thing or two.


I enjoy scouting and when it becomes too much of a a PITA I will walk away.



So in my world, let national do all of their gyrations, make new rules and requirements....raise the price on the volunteers and when it becomes too much I will walk away.


What could I do with two free weekends a month, and 5 additional evening nights free. I could see the world like blake......or work harder on section hiking the Appalachian trail. Of course there is always the beach......options are a wonderful thing.


Had an interesting debate with one of my ACM's about why the BSA charges volunteers a membership fee......I mentioned the training website, background checks, the insurance and on......He said they charge me for membership, the charge me for training, they charge me for a uniform, they charge me for activities......No wonder the BSA is losing to youth sports. the coaches are not charged a membership fees, provided a uniform and trained for free.


Makes ya think

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Part of the blame for volunteers paying to work does lie with UW. I remember a time when some, not all events, events in my council had the staff free. Usually it was training events that had food expenses like JLTC and IOLS that staff that didn't have to pay. Their cost was calculated into the event budget, as a way of saying thank you. But somewhere United Way chapters began to complain aboutthe practice. At least that was what I was told when I asked about it. I staffed one event for a week, and didn't pay a dime. But a few months later I staffed a weekend event, and had to pay.

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I've been watching your recent posts closely. I feel your pain! My situation is akin to yours, but you've had much more patience than I.

As a CM with a 5th grade son; I'm facing the choice of reclaiming my time next year, or moving up to the COR position with the means to correct the problem.

I get manic swinging from hot to cold. My boy is really fired up to make Eagle, and his Webelos buddies' dads are lobbying hard. I'd like to get our troop back on track to make his experience better. But is it worth the hassle wth local politics and national hoop jumping? Can I really improve our local scouting experience enough to justify the time it will take to do it?

Will I get to spend more time with my son as a COR than I have as a DL and CM? I feel the role of 'helicopter dad' pulling on me.



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Seriously, it's hard to step back, but you gotta do it, for your son's sake. He will get more out of the program, have more fun, etc, etc if you stay in the shadows.


As for being a COR, go for it. You have an advantage on the district and council mostof us don't: a vote. As a COR you are part of both the district and council boards. You vote on things.



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Joebob Sound advice from Eagle......I am still CM so my son begins his scouting career with out dad looking over his should on everything. Because of the age of our adult leadership I still am second adult on most of the outings, but not all over my scout.


Make sure you start having the pressuring parents step back and make sure they understand that this is the scouts journey and not theirs.

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Thanks Guys,


You won't find me close to the patrol campfire. My stomach can't handle what they eat...

I just feel a little guilty that I have NOT been there for my boy while he was a Cub, because I was occupied elsewhere with the unit. On one pack camping trip, we stayed 2 hours after everyone else has gone home, because I hadn't seen him for two days...


Our parent troop is growing feeble. The boys play games for 60 minutes and work on badges for 30. Retention is not good. They get in a bit of trouble here and there with other troops for 'unscoutlike' behaviour. The leadership is lame. (WebIIs are supposed to go camping with the troop sometimes this Fall. I've been asking for a date for three months. Still no invitation... We had to use dynamite to get someone to attend crossover last year to accept the rising scouts. Etc.)


So my choices are:

1- Drop my boy off and take myself hunting.

2- Accept COR and hold leaders feet to the fire. (I'm too old and crochetty to be SM.)

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Don't be so sure about being too old and crotchety. We have a 70+ YO SM, whose only consolation is a a cot when camping.


Is your troop using the Troop Program features? It's a 3 volume set that outlines 36 months worth of program that a PLC can select to use.

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There's a Scoutmaster in our town who is in his late 70's. He's going to step down on his 80th Birthday. A Scoutmaster of another Troop in town was in that guy's troop.


The guy in his 70's, I have seen at Training, taking the course from me.


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