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Yes, Wood Badgers can claim non-voting membership in the Clan MacLaren society. The Clan embraces and welcomes Wood Badgers to the family. Our Wood Badge staff last year wore kilts and many of us joined the society as part of that process. It was something fun to connect us again to the history of Gilwell Park. The Clan pennant was even offered for us to display as part of our membership.


I was recently at the Queen Mary Scottish Festival with my son, wearing MacLaren kilts. The Clan Convener snatched us right up and had us march with her and we sat at the clan table sharing Wood Badge stories, offering her tartan items to display. She loves displaying tartan items from scouting and has a whole display.


It's an honor to wear the tartan in that respect!

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Thanks BadenP for your last comment. And please take no offense in my reply to you. I just feel that the whole WB thing going around here is a bit too deep. People either like talking about it, or don't..


Thanks to everyone for giving me back positive input. I have learned loads on here.

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BadenP, I appreciate the olive branch and extend one in return.


I find the subject of regalia interesting from a historical perspective. Until I came to this forum a few years back, I didn't even know that there were more than 2 beads, and I can't recall actually seeing anyone wear more than 2 until I went through my course a year ago.

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BDPT00 Wrote:

"Let's not forget our friends in NYLT and NAYLE".


Good looking out BDPT00!


When I was originally asked to serve as NYLT Course Director I decided there was NO WAY was I going to puruse or accept the 4th bead recognition. I was a Wood Badge purist, and if I was ever going to receive a 4th bead, by golly it was going to be through Wood Badge! Then I met a few great Scouters at the CDC who had earned their 4th bead through NYLT. Furthermore, I thought about all of the other people I had run across who should have exemplified the principles of Wood Badge like "Leading Change", yet remained very steadfast and rigid in their old ideas. I decided that it was not only my right, but my obligation to usher in the new paradigm, and actually role model the principles of Wood Badge. So; albeit a tad controversial, I proudly wear my 4th bead that was awarded shortly before our course began last year. We will have another Scouter in the Council earn their's the same way this year, and in 10 years or so, NYLT or NAYLE bead recognitions will be commonplace. Some of us in the beginning have taken some rather ignorant criticism from some Wood Badge elitists, but the 3rd or 4th bead we wear is as valid as the 3rd or 4th bead worn by any Wood Badge Staffer or Course Director. It comes by the same authority theirs did in Irving, Texas. If these folks are true Wood Badge purists, then I propose they go back to wearing 2 beads like they do in the UK. I feel NYLT was a lot more challenging than any Wood Badge staff I have worked on. Nontheless, I have enjoyed Wood Badge tremedously and still hope to be able to serve again in the future.


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