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Ticket Complete... can't get beaded?

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A bit of a conundrum... need your clarifying assistance, please.


Completed Wood Badge. Completed Ticket. Scout Executive executed unjustified revocation of BSA registration. Approached WB Troop Leader and WB Scoutmaster who agreed beading should be persued. Scout Exec advised that 'over his dead body would that ever happen'.


Experiencing severe consternation over this injustice. Looking for clarity and reassurance that the BSA has not truly diminished to such a petty, political abhorration.


Thank you for your input.

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Wow, sounds like a mess. Little vague on the details, could you answer a couple of questions? Was registration pulled before ticket complete? Did CO request the registration to be pulled? Can Scout Exec. do that? Could you give us a vague idea why he did?


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ATCprofesr: Looking for clarity and reassurance that the BSA has not truly diminished to such a petty, political abhorration.


From where I sit, no it has not. From where you sit, who knows? All you've told us is that you had an unjustified revocation of your BSA registration and you consider it an injustice. How would we know if that is true? It is really none of our business.....but since you brought it up, why was your registration revoked? It usually takes a pretty bad transgression for something that rare to happen. Something along the lines of finding you have a hidden criminal record or youth protection issues. I'm afraid no one can answer your question based on what little detail you have provided.

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Ticket was complete before reg revocation.


CO refused to revoke reg and was supportive of Leadership.


Long story short: New Scout Exec, flexing muscles, asserts unjustified allegation of "fundraising impropriety", through a Charitable Golf Tournament that our unit was assisting in. In a money mongering approach, Scout Exec threatens that either the unit allow the Council to run the finances or have our charter revoked and entire leadership removed. Unable to comply, as this was not 'our' event, we advised that our unit would unfortunately be unable to provide any form of assistance to the Charitable Org. Scout Exec pushes issue and immediately revokes registration. In spiteful act, also removes my wife whom, to this day, has not even met the man. Appeal sent to "Good Ole Boy Region" office. After admittedly not even taking the time to read the appeals package, returns letter three months later, indicating that "no evidence was found to overturn the local Council's decision". Appeals process now forwarded to National level, on behalf of wife. I currently am unsure that I even want to be involved in this organization any longer given the Political Potentate in power. Apparently 12 total years is the council imposed 'term limit' for one that serves the boys. If only I didn't enjoy working with scouts!


That's it in a nutshell. Please feel free to ask any questions. Blunt is best, in my opinion. I'll be happy to answer any and all.



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The devil is in the details. If this was a charitable event for some organization and your unit was not in charge of it, how could you have "fundraising impropriety"? What you describe sounds like your boys were doing a service project instead of fundraising. Now, if you were making money while doing service and had not filed a fundraiser form, I can see where a problem might exist. I know it all makes sense to you since it happened to you, but you are alluding to things that we can only guess at.

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I for one would like to know

what council and when did this take place

what city and what unit

who was running the event and raising money for whom?

What does your revoction letter say why your membership was revoked?

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I don't think we need to know the council, city, time, or unit. We're not a court here.


But dealing with it as it's been presented, I see two issues here. First, was the revocation justified? Second, can you get your beads? It seems to me that the first issue is much, much larger than the second. I mean, heck, you're not even allowed to wear the uniform now.


So let's say you manage to convince the guys to go behind the back of the new SE and get your beads. What good does that really do you? If it's that meaningful to you, go ahead and have a private beading ceremony. There's no way it's going to be an authorized ceremony unless you get reinstated first.


But the real issue is, should you be a member? I'd pursue that first. And second. And third.


From your description, things certainly sound unfair. But without knowing what the alleged impropriety was, it's hard for us to know. But it's hard for me to imagine our council kicking anyone out for a fund-raising violation, barring a willful, repeated, or egregious violation.


Oak Tree

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If all the proper BSA paperwork was completed by the unit for the fundraiser and it was approved, what's the problem? Sounds like this new exec has a bone to pick & you are the ones he is gnawing on.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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How unfortunate.




If indeed you are innocent of all allegations and you have truly completed your Wood Badge ticket, you still have a hard row to hoe. You will need to approach this as if it is a criminal court case. Gather all your information, proof of your side, and any witnesses you can produce to validate your claims.


Furthermore, I am not completely familiar with who has authority to do what here (as this is an extremely rare incident). Although a professional Scout Executive has some authority as to your standing in the BSA, vis--vis any improprieties you may or may have not committed, I am not certain if he has the ability to overstep the authority of a Wood Badge Course Director.


It seems to me that staff members of your course should be your first line of defense for awarding your Wood Badge. I would be in close contact with my Troup Guide and Course Director. These individuals are your best resources to back you up and resolve this. Also, I don't know how well you have developed a relationship with your Wood Badge patrol, but if it is anything like mine, your patrol would be a powerful character reference and can vouch for your integrity, reliability, and honesty. I would ask them to each write a letter to that end and sign it.


Also, it is unclear what level this particular Scout Exec holds in your council. Can you present your case to anyone above him? I would gather all the necessary information which supports your side, as well as any testimonies, letters of recommendation, and character references and present this first to someone in authority in your council, and then, if you are still unable to make any headway, I would take it to a national level. This is your personal reputation and good name you are defending and I would go as high as necessary to clear this up.


This will take a lot of work and your beads will have been well earned when you receive them; probably more so than many participants.


Good luck


Eagle Pete(This message has been edited by eagle-pete)

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Before anyone says anymore you should know that his membership has been revoked IAW BSA guidelines. He is not eligable to receive anything from BSA anylonger, is banned from Attending BSA functions, is not allowed to be at any BSA activity. Its a bit more than he let on.

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"Upon completion of the Wood Badge Ticket as certified by a ticket counselor and the Scout Executive, the participant will be presented with the Wood Badge certificate, neckerchief, woggle, and beads at an appropriate public ceremony."

You need the SE to approval.

He or She has the right to deny the award no matter what the CD feels.





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The SE - Scout Executive is the top paid professional in the council. He is THE man. He and he alone is the person who makes the final decision on whether or not an adult's registration can be revoked at the council level.

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