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I am just trying to find out how adult training is done in your council.


In our council, training is usually conducted as follows:


University of Scouting: 1 time per year for a day. Offers counrses that can lead to degrees in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Venturing, District Committee, and Commissioner Science.


Wood Badge: 5 courses a year, 1 is at Philmont for a week, 1 is for LDS Scouters only, and the other three are conducted locally over two three day periods each.


Aditionally, courses are scheduled throughout the year such as facilitator training, CPR and first aid training, wilderness first aid training, rifle, shotgun, black powder, pistol, district committee seminar, BALOO, youth protection, Safe Scouting, Climb On Safely, Safety Afloat, Safe Swim Defence, etc. Some of those are specially schedule courses, some are held at camporee, summer camp, etc.


Our District conducts two training sessions per year; once in the spring and once in the fall. All of the leader specific training is included in that: den leader training, cubmaster training, Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster, committee training, etc.


Some courses are available on-line. But not much.



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In my District...


New Leader Essentials Common Core, monthly at Roundtable

Youth Protection, Monthly at Roundtable

Merit Badge Counselor, Monthly at Roundtable


Cub Scout New Leader Essentials position specific, twice a year, 1 weekend (all day) and 1 weeknight (2 session) program each cycle.


Boy Scout Scoutmaster position specific, Troop Committee Challenge, and SM outdoor, twice a year.


Venturing leader specific, as requested, usually council-wide.


Wood Badge annually, with folks on west and north sides also attending other area courses.


Should note: We're a 300 series Council, with 56000 youth enrolled.



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Our District does three NLE and NLS a year. One in the Spring, one in the Fall and one just after the first of the year. This is for Cubs and Scout.

We do two weekend Outdoor Skills a year. Spring and Fall. We do OWL at the same time and Baloo twice a year. We are lucky in that we have a good program and great people willing to step forward and teach.

I was proud that at the last OLS three of my Boys Scouts were invited to teach Fire Building. They did a wonderful job. Taught about 40 new leaders. The reviews that were turned in bragged on them for their knowledge and skill. Nice thing was that most of the leaders taking the course didn't know that they were from my troop.

YPT can be had upon requires. As a trainer I also will go to any unit and do Basics or Fast Start.

Our Council has two Woodbadge courses a year.

We do Pow Wow once a year and UOS once a year, this will have MBC included. Commissioners College yearly with additional District Committee training yearly.


Safety Afloat and Safe Swim once a year as District level. Safe Climb is twice a year as a weekend outing.

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Adding to mine:


BSA lifeguard every session at Scout Camp.


Safe Swim Defense/Safety Afloat every session at Scout Camp.


Shooting sports safety in the spring, before day camp/Scout camp season.


Chaplain/Chaplain aide annual in January.


Pow-Wow annually. May get migrated to a "UOS" format.


Commissioners College annually.


Don't know all the details of COPE/climbing safety for us.

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