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Complete list of training courses

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Is there anywhere I can find a COMPLETE list of training courses available to scouters? I am currently Asst. CM of a pack and I am working with our local Lion's Club to re-start the troop in which I received my Eagle.


I would like to have a fairly complete set of trainings to cover most circumstances, but I am finding it hard to find a complete listing. What do other recommend as a good set of core courses?


I currently have: Youth Protection, New Leader Essentials, Cubmaster Specific, Outdoor Leadership Skills, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, and Wood Badge.


I am seeking dates in my area for: Scoutmaster Specific, Red Cross First Aid in the Community, Lifesaving, Wilderness First Aid, When Help is Delayed, and CPR.


Any other suggested courses that I should look for?

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There is BALOO (cubscout specific outdoor training) as well as the Introduction to Outdoor Skills (Boy Scout level) there may be a Webelos specific outdoors one also but I'm not sure. There is the Troop Committee Challenge which outlines the troop committee's responsibilities. Our council also offers Health and Safety training.


Then there's always Pow Wow and Chataqua (may be different names at different councils) - basically full day seminar style trainings offered by volunteers within the council - Pow Wow for Cub related topics and Chataqua for Boy Scout level. Usually there is a Chartered Organization Representative conference in conjunction with one or the other in our council.

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Thanks for the information. I should have remembered BALOO. I am going to take it too. I will pick up a copy of the training committee manual and take a look through it.


Are there any other training courses (not only BSA, but Red Cross, AHA, etc.) that people out there feel are "must haves" ?


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Hi gavvin,

I think the must have courses are courses that would be courses you might need to help you do a better job n the area in which you serve or things that really interest you.

Philmont offers a great menu of conferences for people involved in different areas of Scouting.

Districts and Councils should be in the business of training leaders, not just running training courses, the goal of District and Council Training Committees is to have 100% of the adults trained in the position they hold. Some people like to plan ahead and a lot of people in Cub Scouting will prepare for their move into Boy Scouting by taking the Boy Scout courses early.

I have seen the spoof "Over Trained" patch. While I am not sure if anyone can be over trained in a specific position, I do think that the new Tiger Cub Den Leader really is wasting his or her time taking Venturing training, if all they do is work with Tiger Cubs.

I really don't do much else with my spare time but Scouting. For about the last ten or so years I have not served in an area where I am very active with our youth members. Yes I do remember what they look like!!

I have tried to keep current with what is happening in the program areas. I'm not that well versed on Venturing Awards, I have presented some Venturing Training's. If someone were to ask me the requirements for a merit badge, I would have to look it up. I like to think that I am up to date with the Boy Scout program, the leave no trace program and I have to be first aid and CPR trained as part of my job. I was caught with my pants down when the new requirements were added to the Arrow of Light and Webelos Scouts program. I do know that chapter 10 of the Cub Scout Leader book has some changes, but the book is still in the plastic wrapper, I need to buy a new binder.

I am at times amazed about how much stuff is out there if you are interested in a certain activity. I had a guy who is really interested in archery tell me about all the different courses there are in that area.

I don't think we ever stop learning. If I am asked to present at a training I like to sit in the back and watch all the other presentations, hear the questions and the answers.I ask the other presenters to try not to ask me, as I have a bad habit of talking too much.

I really like to read stuff and read it from cover to cover. Reading the guides that show plans, procedures and materials has been a big help to me. I caught some strange looks from Dolly who looks after my paper work at work (And some Scout stuff, but please don't tell anyone.) When she seen me reading the Boy Scout Handbook. I hope to read the new Field Book soon, so far I have only looked through it and used it for reference. I also hope to read the new Webelos book.



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There is a poster used in Trainer Develop that says Something along the line of "Those who wish to lead must never cease to learn".


What courses should a leader take? All the ones that relate to their job and any others that they want to learn from. The list of resources where we an find information that could make us better leaders is endless.



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