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way for council committee members to be "trained"

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Proud Eagle, the names of locally prepared training programs vary by Council, District (and Region, I suppose.) For this reason I would encourage you to raise the question with your local Council Commissioner or Training Chair. I say this because our local "University of Scouting" is really more of a "College of Commissioner Service" with a few other courses thrown in. While it does offer a few short courses, it has never offered a comprehensive daylong training for district or council volunteers.


I did not go over the "Baden Powell University" site that was recently mentioned here in the forums closely because there's no way I could get there. It might offer some insights or opportunities for that part of the countyy.


I'm sure that National has produced training materials for each of the positions at the Council level. I've never been copied on an announcemnet of their presentation except for the few breakouts offered at our "University." I would be disappointed if there was not some type of Council Team building seminar.





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In our Council the training of Council Committee members is strange. Executive Board member training is done by the Council Vice President operations.

Most non executive Council Members are people who have been appointed by the Council Vice President Program. These people are selected because they have a good working knowledge in the area that they were selected for.(Camping, Training,Activities, Advancement) People from these two groups are selected to run the District Committee Workshop Training (7 30176 34160)

We don't really have a Council Committee. We have the Executive Board with Vice Presidents, who cover different areas. They select Chairpersons, these Chairs work with the District Chairs. Take the camping committee, the vice president program selects a Council Camping Chairman, he works with the District Camping Chairmen, who represent the Districts. When it comes down to Training the District Chairs, the Council Camping Chair works with the District Guys.

We do have people who hold no other registration other than being one of the Council Chairmen, but they are not members of the Executive Board. (In some Councils these guys are invited to sit on the Board) So even though there is no Council Committee they are registered as such.

I have invited new Board members to attend the NLE Training, this has proved very useful for people who serve on the Board and have little or no knowledge about Scouting. We also had both Executive Board members and Council Committee members attend Wood Badge, they wrote their ticket for the position that they held.


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