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New CM and "Family Camping"?

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Ya know if you go do everything as cubs then the Troop will have retention problems.....



I think that a couple times a year with family camp is ok.



Now keep in mind that of the Cubs entering our Pack ZERO have camping gear. Your group maybe an exception..........So a typical den of wolves are not equipt or experienced enough to go camping and make it successful.


Belt loops are a parent scout thing......so why can't you go camping as friends and then have the boys earn the fishing belt loop as a family they could shoot bb guns too.



My point is.....Why does everything have to happen under the umbrella of Scouting???????

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Anyone can go camp together any time you want to.


Families can go do whatever activities they want to.


We did do some family camping like this. We made it clear that parents were responsible for their own kids, and that there were no (or a specific few) pack activities.


What I would not do is run an activity like this (bb-shooting) for someone else's kid.

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Some one said it earlier, i wasn't friends with these folks before scouts, and we only do scouting activities togather.


it all starts with this parent having a bad camping trip at are council's camping site, they brought thier own bb gun to camp, wanted to leave camp to go swim in a river. they argueed with camp staff about why the pool wasn't open. he was real mad that he could only Fish on a certian dock.


would it be fair to my own child to go camping with this family and keep having to tell him sorry we don't do those things cause of scout safety? i feel all it's going to do is make me look like a jerk or a stick in the mud. What do you wana bet if something did happen, it would come out that i was a cubmaster?


I look at scouting sorta like a faith, and you look at the cub scout promise. Obey the law of the pack. to me the law of the pack means obeying my teaching and keeping my scouts safe at all times.


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