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Cubmobile/Pushmobile Derby

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We are hoping to have our first Cubmobile/Pushmobile Derby in a few months, perhaps April.


Our initial thought is that each Den will get to build a car and then race it. The Dens will build their cars in their Den meetings.


Have you done Cubmobile races? Was it fun? DO you have some good suggestions for first timers?


As always, thank you for your insight.

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We do a district one. It can be long since we go 1 at a time, BUT IT IS FUN!!!!!!!!!


We have a ramp that we put at the top of the hill, then there is a long driveway that leads to another parking lot. The event is psonsored by a local club.


A few comments.


1) Make sure that everyone practices on a flat surface with the car being pushed so that they get use to steering the car, and how it operates. We have actually had cars damaged during practice runs b/c folks run into curbs and what not. It does take some getting use to.


2) HELMET AND PADS (ELBOW AND KNEE)ARE A MUST!!!!!!!! Cap are for emphasis as this is VERY important. I've seen a car flip over one time. Good news was that it was a CM in the adult division (he was a tall one too so his center of gravity was higher and par of the cause) and he wasn't hurt b/c he was wearing pads and helmet.


3) Have a well marked off route. Our "track is 2 automobiles wide ( it is a driveway after all) and about 10' is marked off and cleared on the sides. We have some NO PARKING signs in the marked off area, so we remove the signs and cover the poles with rubber tires.


4) Make sure there is somethign to do for the scouts while they wait. Sometimes they get antsy


5) Start on time, and follow the rules!!!!! Long story short, ours do not start on time and it is annoying.


Also because they changed the traditional date, day, and time (usually on the second Sunday in Nov in the afternoon, to the first Saturday in Nov. in the morning), and it was was not communicated well, several packs did not do practice runs for the new folks prior to the event as per the district rules. So we were delayed even further b/c the decision was made to allow practice runs on the actual track, instead of the parking lot. LOTS OF UPSET PARENTS with that decision b/c "some children got to do the cubmobile twice," and "shouldn't they have done this already; this is taking too long."


Grant you I understand allowing folks to practice. Heck we had to do our practice runs before the event at the CO b/c there was no other time to do so b/c of the event change. But it could have been done in one of the two parking lots and not on theactual course itself.


6) Make sure everyone knows when the event is well enough in advance. The event change above occured AFTER the district calendars came out and units had scheduled activities. In fact the event was not even on the district calendar when units starting planning their program, and of course everyone assumed that they would do the event on the same day and time as they have done it for the past 20+ years. Plus once it was changed, it was not communicated well. Several packs had trips and other events planned, including mine. And some packs found out about the change at RT 2 days before the event! Needless to say, the event had very low attendance.




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Cub mobile racing is the best. Our Pack raced them every two months or so. The District was so impressed by them that they ran a District Cub Mobile race every year. Our Pack cars lasted about ten years before the kids from the church youth camp got a hold of them and destroyed them.


We had each den build and paint their cars, but first I cut the lumber and drilled the holes prier so that they all were basically the same. We just gave each den all the precut parts with basic instructions and let them go. We also found some Automotive parts advertising stickers as well as Cub Scout sticker from the Scout Shop that they could put on their cars as well.


We also built to the bear plans, but we added one modification on the front axle 2X4 that limited the turning radius. Most of our accidents came from scouts turning too sharp and loosing control. These cars dont need much turning ability to stay on the track.


Also, sometimes the boys tended to put their foot or hand down on the ground to help slow the car down. To stop that, we had them practice holding the brake handle with both hands and steer with the feet on the front axle. The plans have a rope attached to the front axle that appears to be used for steering, but we found it only works well for pulling the car up to the start line. By keeping both hands on the brake, they were able to stop the car instantly if they panic.


Cub Mobiles are great fun and can be used for several years. Have a blast.




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The difference between a push mobile and a cub mobile is the key word push. Our pack looked into this because we really like the idea of people power and team coordination in a competition. Believe it or not, it was our budget that made our decision. The extra materials required to build a car in the plans for a car capable of being pushed required more money.


I had always hoped that our Troop would have tried the push mobile races for both fun and for developing pack relationships, but I think we just forgot about it. Imagine a troop sponsoring a District Webelos Pushmobile Derby day. And even invite your favorite pack over for fun during one of their pack meetings. That would certianly be the coolest troop in the district.




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I set up a Cubmobile race for one of our Pack Events(monthly meetings). We did the whole thing in an hour. We brought boxes, craft supplies, and markers. Each den was to make a car, cutting out the holes, using paper plates for wheels, decorating, taping, etc. We set up the race track outdoors, and it was set up as a relay, with various requirements along the way(things they had to do at pit stops), and they had to switch drivers so everyone got to race. The boys had a blast - it was wild fun. Round and round they go...

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