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O/A > weblow cross over

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Hello, I'm going to have my O/A chapter conduct an outdoor appropriate Webelos cross over ceremony!!! Any ideas as to what one I should use or info as to where I could find them online???

Any and all info is appreciated (This message has been edited by a staff member.)

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Welcome to the forums! Send me a private message with your email address and I will be happy to send you the Crossover ceremony our team uses. We just got thru doing nine crossovers this year.

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Usually if your OA Lodge has a ceremony team that does WEBELOS cross-overs they have their own ceremonies. They have practiced them, and have all of the supplies/props for them.


Have you spoken to your OA yet? No need to recreate a wheel that they usually have already perfected.

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Unfortunately"?" ours (Cahuilla 127) is all over the web. Google OA 127 Arrow of Light ceremony and you will find it. It works well for any size group. We have done it indoors and out and it works very well. I don't know who wrote it because it was done quite a few years ago but they were pretty good at creating a ceremony!

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Is your ceremony an AOL ceremony, a Crossover ceremony or both. We make very clear to the Packs that our ceremony is a Crossover ceremony and they are responsible for providing an AOL ceremony. Why? Because we have been providing the Crossover for years and it is what our boys know and since it is a "side" service the team provides, we don't really want to throw something else on them to learn. I work hard to NOT burn my boys out so they are fresh for Ordeals and Brotherhood. The other reasoning is that they earned their AOL in the Pack and the Pack should honor them. The Crossover is a totally different animal and represents their journey from Cubs to Scouting. That being said, I have no problem with teams providing an AOL/Crossover combination, we just don't do it in our Chapter.

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OOPS, My bad, you are right, I was thinking AOL ceremony, not crossover ceremony. Our chapter does not do crossover or bridging ceremonies and I was taught that a bridging ceremony is the responsibility of the recieving Troop not the Pack or OA. OA does AOL ceremonies here usually followed by a bridging by one or more Troops (and as a Cub Leader, I expect the Troops to provide the resources they need for it, we recently had a Troop express a need for US to have it ready for them, I am still scratching my head over that! LOL). BTW, I was also taught that crossover is what Cubs do going from one year to the next and bridging is what Webelos do when going into a Troop. I guess that is probably a regional thing as well. Part of what I like about internet forums is finding out how wrong I am about some things that I really honestly believed that I knew and understood and later found out that it was just "the way we do it".

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I'm not sure you're finding out that you're "wrong"! :0)


I think each Pack/Troop is going to operate how/with what works for them. A Pack in the middle of New York City, for example, is going to do ceremonies (especially outdoor stuff) differently than we do here in Georgia.


I'm getting ready to bridge two Web2's to our Troop. This hasn't happened in at least 5 years (long story). The Scoutmaster is a great guy, but he's NOT going to give the mama's of these two boys what they want to see by way of ceremony.


So it falls to ME to provide a meaningful ceremony to recognize these two young men. And I'm okay with that. We do what works!


I found one ceremony that talks about "two campfires". And if you can't do it outside, they recommend "fake" fire rings. I'm like, where would I even FIND such a thing, and who would pay for it?


In our situation, I simply drove 3/4 of a block from the church (where we usually meet) to my house, walked around my back yard, and said, "Yeah, this will do." I'm going to dig two fire pits in my back yard, one smaller for the Cubbies, and one somewhat larger for the Scouts.


Because I CAN. When I lived in CA, that would have violated all kinds of CC&Rs of my HOA (may they all rot in hell).


But here? Yessiree! We can haul in some folding chairs and have our Bridging ceremony right there as the sun goes down over my pecan trees. There will be weeping by the mamas. And then we'll roast things in the fires.

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