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Starting a new pack

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My church has recently decided to start a new cub scout pack. I have talked to members of the district council and they have passed on the form for the organization to sign and stated tha we need to have a pack comittee of 5 members. Has anyone been involved with a pack startup that can give me some advice as to how to proceede with this endevor. The church as placed this in my lap since I am currently a den leader at another pack.

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Agreed, re: following the process as outlined in the link provided.


Also, your District Executive should be overjoyed to help you out. DE's are evaluated (& paid) partly on the basis of how many new units they start each year, so your church's decision will be music to their ears.


Good luck! And I hope you'll come back occasionally to tell us how it is going.


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Did not start a pack, but did start a troop. I don't disagree that you need to follow the guidelines, but on a practical level, I might suggest:


1. What role will you play? Cubmaster, Committe Chair, Charter Org Rep


2. Now that you have chosen, find someone to fill the other roles.


3. This gives you a core group. Use this group to recruit the other adults you think you would need. I would suggest 3 more members of the committee (to add to the CC and COR) and several den leaders. You might be able to fill some den leaders from parents after sign up, but IMO having no leadership in place would be really scary!


3.Once you have your adults in place, have a planning meeting. What do you want to do for the year? When are you going to do it? Where will all this take place? Come up with a calendar. You can make changes or additions later, but you have to have a plan to start.


4. Okay, now how are you going to pay for it?


5. Lastly, divvy up the responsibilities. You cannot do it all (I tried!). Leave your planning meeting knowing you have a plan, a way to pay for it and people committed to making it work. don't forget to delegate the paperwork - it is easy to remember that someone should be in charge of recruitment but easy to forget who is in charge of the paper!


6. Now go get those boys!!!


It has not always been an easy process. We made mistakes, did things the hard way.....but the troop is thriving, the boys are happy, we see advancement. All in all, a positive experience.


Once we got operational, I started setting goals. It has helped me to focus on my goals for the year as a way to see the big picture. When something goes wrong or an event doesn't come off, I look at the goals and realize it is not the end of the world. Take a step back, have a cup of coffee and move toward that goal.



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