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Help with Wolf requirement alternatives

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Our B&G banquet is at the end of February, and our Wolf den is on track to receive their Wolf badge at the banquet.


There is one requirement, though, that poses a problem - requirement 7d picking up litter in the neighborhood. We have had snow cover for awhile now with dangerously cold temperatures. I don't see a thaw in our future, either.


Any suggestions on an acceptable substitute?



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Thanks for the heads up. My son will be a Wolf next year, so I'll make sure they take care of that one early in the year.


You can send the Tigers out the day before and ask them to spread litter on top of the snow. Yes, that was a joke. :)


If you don't have any other opportunity, then I would probably send them around a semi-sheltered area, such as near a park building, a parking lot, etc., and pick up any exposed litter. If you have a park with a picnic shelter (roof, but no walls), there's probably some trash in there that's accumulated over the winter.


I suspect that if you looked in places like that, you could probably come up with a bag or two of litter.


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A bit late now, but for the other newbies out there, this is why is is always a good idea to go thru the Handbook before den meetings start, find the requirements that are weather sensitive, and do them first. That gives you more time if the activities have to be bumped due to weather.


I also suggest you wait a bit for February weather to kick in. By the middle of February there should have been some days with temps over freezing. Even if all of the snow is not gone, there will be trash on top of it. You should be able to get the boys out for a slushy litter walk before your B&G.



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Who says you have to find trash? Who says this has to be hard.


Tell the parents the boys need their outdoor gear that meeting. Go for a hike around your meeting place to run off steam. Look for and pick up any trash you find and have a conversation about what scouts do (help the world). Go back inside and do your regular den meeting.


Schedule on a real cleanup when the weather is better.


Don't sign off for something you didn't do, at least some of the boys will know. You sure don't want to communicate that as a value of scouting.


Have fun.



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One could always shovel the park and see what's beneath the 2' of snow. Be sure to have the boys check each shovelful for cigarette butts. One wouldn't want the boys to get an award they didn't earn.....


Seriously, there has to be some parking lot that's been plowed and has a ton of litter or maybe a parking ramp downtown. Business areas have a lot of sidewalks that need daily trash pickup. The requirement says neighborhood, that means anywhere outside and there are a ton of sheltered areas that need cleaning up! And what better PR for your pack than to see a bunch of CS's out cleaning up around a downtown business areas where there's a lot of pedestrian traffic, especially in somewhat inclement weather. As far as being cold, remember, those boys can stay out in bad weather a lot longer than the leaders! When you're all done, stop by a restaurant and treat the boys to a hot chocolate. Chances are if you do that, they're going to want to do that activity more than once regardless of the weather.


Your mileage may vary,



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Parking lots are always good because they do plow them but don't always clean up and I know around here we have some indoor sports facilities (even local high schools) that always need cleaning up after a game. Just ask around and I will wager that you will actually get more requests or suggestions that you will know what to do with!

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It's supposed to be above freezing on Saturday, and then cool off again. The averages for February are all above freezing.


There is no reason to rush this, or use some marginal activity. The weather will improve in a week or two, and then your Scouts will have an opportunity to actually help improve their neighborhood.


Have a bit of patience. Even if the lake again dumps on your area, the temperatures will be a lot easier on the little guys.

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One mom came to me (WDL), with this same questions. Since everyone else had completed the requirement, I asked her if her son shovels snow. She said yes that he shovels the snow at their apartment complex before school; without pay. I said that that amounted to cleaning up our outdoors, and that I would accept it.


Yes, it has now started to melt the snow, but felt that I couldn't count on it. Either way, I'll be sure to advertise our Pack's spring cleanup day this year!

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