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Arrow of Light arrow

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Wow, only two months left for the 2nd year Webelos before they get their Arrow Of Light and cross over to a troop. I have been looking around at various ceremony arrows to present. Has anyone used Arrow-of-light-awards.com for the arrows? They seem to be one of the better looking arrows, and the price seems a bit less than others. I would like your opinions.





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I have used:




for the past 3 years, and just ordered again for February. They are very nice people, produce an amazingly beautiful award, and then are very fast. I had a mispelled name one year, and they got me a replacement plate for free and quick, even though I probably spelled the name wrong.


Nothing against the people you mention, I just have personal experience with these. When we started giving them out 3 years ago, the ceremony changed, people started really looking forward to getting them, etc. They are a highpoint.




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I've been growing a pack that was down to one boy two years ago. We will have a Webelos den come June.


I'll consider buying one of the award arrows to show our current Bear Den and younger Scouts now --- pehaps that would motivate them to stick with the program.

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The Webelos Scout deserves to receive the following: A completed "Compass", a bunch of colorful pins, the AoL patch which he can wear on his BScout uniform,and perhaps a certificate, all available from BSA supply/store. Beyond that:


When I was the WebDenLeader, and I have almost always seen other WDLers do the same, I created and presented some special keepsake of the event of receiving his AoL award. The placque I gave them was simple and not hard to make. The biggest part was the 1" thick "cookie" I cut from a log I had taken down in our yard. Two coats of polyeurothane. To this, I glued the 4"x4" Webelos patch I bought at the Scoutshop, then woodburned (old soldering iron) the boys name, Pack number and date. Earlier, I had found some old wood colored arrows with intact fletching, but bad shafts and points. I cut off the bad parts, leaving about 8" of fletch end. Drill a hole, slanted behind the patch, and glued the arrow shaft into the hole. Picture hanging gizmo on the back. Three evenings work, about $10 each.

Someone in the Pack knows someone who has the tools and parts, and I guarantee the boys will really appreciate the personal quality of anything you give them, arrows or no.

And who gains the most from all this? You or the boys, after all? Maybe both?


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I have used Arrow-of-light-awards.com and we were disappointed in the arrows. While the quality if fine, I like a more rustic arrow. They use white feathers and appear to just stain the entire arrow after assembly. the tips are not very authentic either. A disappointment for the amount of money we spent.


This year we bought from arrowoflightawards.com and are much happier with the arrows. us actual turkey feathers and looks like a genuine flint arrow head. I have been banding them over the last couple of weeks.


Just my opinion

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Thanks for the feedback. The arrows look good online, and the idea that they are made by native americans sounds good, but knowing that they are sub-standard is good to hear. I think I'll go with arrowoflightawards.com .



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