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Ideas for Lock-in

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I am a first year CM of a small Pack that tripled in size (11 to 35) between cross over in June and our first Pack Meeting of the new "season" in September. What I, nor anyone else in the Pack, didn't realize is that with a larger pack comes unique issues.


We traditionally always have an overnight "lock in" event at our CO (a church) in January. It allows the Cubs to work on acheivements in the Dens plus lets us plan some fun activites, and just have some good fellowship time.


Herein lies the problem: Our CO has a fairly large room set aside for Pack activites. However, with the new upswing in membership it's going to be difficult if not impossible to accomodate the size group that we have. Has anyone else held a lock-in at a location other than the CO? If so, where? We are looking at somewhere free or very low cost for obvious reasons. I've toyed with the idea of the high school gym but don't know what policy is on that, plus I'd like somewhere with kithen facilities so we can prepare breakfast. We have an empty "big box" store (who doesn't?) in town which would be prefect, but I'm almost certain that would be a "no" from the owners.


Any ideas?

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Do you guys have a State Park or local Scout Camp with "cabins" in your area (not too much $)? Check Girl Scout camps as well.


Ask around if there is a larger local church that someone from your Pack goes to you can use.


The Local Y does lock-in's but that's $$.


Another place to check is the local skating rink.

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Does your CO have multiple rooms? Den per room? Stations for activities? Movie ? Hallway PWDerby? "small" olympics (mini competitions)?

Local Volunteer Fire Dept.?

Historical Society?

Talk to your local Cub Scout Day Camp folks for ideas...

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