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Any good service project ideas for Wolves ??

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Cleaning up trails at a local park.

Collecting foodstuffs or clothing for the needy.

Putting together school packs with school supplies for underprivileged children.

Yard maintenance for the elderly.

Helping with beutification of a Park or other area via flower planting, etc.

Reading or visiting at a Nursing home.

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Here are some ideas that you may want to look at


There is the Scouting for Food Campaign that we do in our council.


Maybe try a Book Drive for either the local library, shelter, hospital waiting rooms, or other things like that.


Maybe a coat drive as the weather will be getting cold soon, and donate them to a local church for those that need it.


Hope this helps. Also do not forget to log you project and time ini the Good Turn for America website.

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We gathered items for a soldier in Iraq. We sent left over Halloween candy for the soldiers to give the kids there. We also sent baby wipes, beef jerky, playing cards, drink crystal packets, Girl Scout cookies, popcorn, hand made Christmas ornaments, Valentine hearts and Easter eggs. The Cubs wrote notes or made cards every 4-6 weeks for the year our soldier was there.


The kidergarten classes at our CO raise butterflies from cacoons each year so we planted flowers the butterflies liked near the school. This keep the butterflies in the area.

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