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Program Helps

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Are the program helps designed to cover the advancement requirements during the first part of the scouting year, say, by the Blue and Gold?


I've been the ADL and ACM for the past two years and will be taking over the new Tiger den after graduation in May. The den I've been associate with the past two years doesn't really follow the program helps / monthly theme, though we do follow the monthly theme for the pack meeting. Most of the den schedule is targeted toward earning the next rank by the B&G in February each year.


My intention is to better utilize the program helps in order to build on the montly theme used in the pack meetins. However, in our pack, we pretty much try to have all ranks completed by and awarded at the Feb B&G. Therefore, I want to make sure that we cover the requirements during this timeperiod.


Bottom line, I'd like to get a feel for how mucy I'll have to modify the proposed den meeting topics in the program helps in order to accomplish this.


I'd also appreciate any other suggestions as I prepare to start a new Tiger den.


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I remember a time when CSs got their advancement at the pack meeting as they earned it, and the BnG was a party. Don't know why it's so important to get advancement at BnG. Ahh the days of old.


Yep it's bene a while since I was a CS or worked in supply, but if memory serves the program helps were designed to 1) help leaders organize their meetings and make life easier for them and 2) work on advancement. HOWEVER the parents are the primary ones who sign off on advancement. Advancement is important, but it is not the only thing.


One true story, while workign supply, I had two GS leaders come in and buy the program helps. they said that the GSA didn't have the support literature like the BSA and they got the idea to use Program Helps from a mom who was a CS leader.



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Please - Take training NOW.


While using the B&G as a GOAL for families to be finished with rank requirements, is fine, it should NOT be a do or die, group lock-step type of thing. BSA policy is that every Scout goes at his own pace, and is recognized as soon as possible after completing something.


Program Helps do not guarantee that Scouts will finish their rank award requirements by B&G. They are a HELP for meeting ideas.


The Tiger Program is VERY different from any other Cub Scout den. IF you follow the Tiger Program, you will be working with your Tiger Teams in SHARED LEADERSHIP.


There are 5 program areas in the Tiger program. Each one is split into 3 parts. 1 - Den Activity 1 - Family Activity 1 - Outing


You can not always force families to complete the family activities in your time frame.


Bobcat must be earned FIRST. Completing 3 parts (Motto, Sign, Salute) of Bobcat earns the Tiger his Tiger Totem, which should be presented to them at their very first Pack meeting, so they can also start earning beads.


Have FUN. Get to know your Tiger families. Have more FUN.


Depending on where you are, do the outdoor things when the weather is still good.


Make sure the boys receive awards WHEN THEY EARN THEM, and are not made to wait months.


Have more FUN. Help the Tiger Teams have FUN, and learn about Cub Scouts TOGETHER.


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you need to plan your advancement and then look to prgram helps to fill in the gaps. They jump around in what they cover in requirements as well as electives. If I went soley by them we'd have a lot left out.

Personally, i do look at themes and sometimes use them or if I dont; feel they are doing enough may use something from a previous theme to make an activity fun.

Some packs use the theme for their pack meetings. We don't.


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