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We have had the same problem, but at this point it is getting better. We had to take it to the last resort and have SM conference with the parents. But so far it has worked, and things are coming back together. We are the new patrol in the troop and just entered in February; our town only has one troop so you go to it, or go to another town. It was to the point that we (me and a co-leader)were going to start a new troop. Things went from bad to worse at summer camp and everything came to a head Friday at camp. One boy was so upset he spoke to his parents as soon as they got to camp for dinner, and the fur started to fly. it was good though because it made us get our point out and the boy got his point out and hte parents got there points out and we are talked about the best way to improve things. It was a last reslut, as we headed out of camp to dinner, the adult leaders at camp were discussing what we were going to do with the boys who were "misbehaving" and we had deceided that parent conference with all 4 boys and all 4 parents was the solution, but when the parents of one showed up, we just went ahead and got the ball rolling.


My son is sensitive, and he has been going to quit twice, before we got to camp, now things are going rather smoothly; by the way half of the troop has been gone on vacation, maybe that is what made it smooth? LOL


Good luck


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