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Program Helps

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Ok, so you all know of my pack problems. Well I figured I could use the program helps to get us back in the game. The problem is that it doesn't do meetings for Webelos. Is there any such guide for Webelos Meetings? I need to "spoon feed" the program to the leaders so that can see what it is they should be doing.


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My favorite source was online roundtables. One of my favorites was Baloo's Bugle:



Choose an issue, go to Webelos, and you can find good ideas for meetings based on the badge for that month.


ScoutingTheNet also has good links to roundtables, plans, and activities based on themes. For example:



Hope this helps.



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Webelos don't follow the monthly themes, which is why you don't see their meetings listed in the Program Helps.


Get a copy of the Webelos Leader Guide -- it is formatted like a hybrid: the front part looks a bit like the Cub Scout Leader Guide and the back part looks exactly like the Program Helps.


However, rather than being focused on a monthly theme, the den meetings and activities are focused on an activity pin. Plus, there are various options for the monthly schedules laid at in the front of the book.



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Cajuncody, Fred's right about the Webelos Leader Book. Your Program Helps suggests which activity pins to work on each month and the CS Leader Book suggests that the Webelos do a demonstration (~5 minutes) relating to their chosen activity pin at the Pack Meeting.


IMHO, this separates the Webelos (especially the 4th graders) just a bit too much from the rest of the Pack, so next year when my Bears go all Webelosy on me I'm gonna try to keep tossing in the Pack's monthly theme when possible. Obviously, the activity pin work will have to take precedence.



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Another helpful hint when working on activity pins:


Many times (helps to prepare ahead, obviously) you can set up various "stations" where the scouts do one part of an activity, then move on to the next "station". It's done round robin style. You can get parents and your den chief to monitor each "station".


I helped and assisted many times with such a set up. It worked pretty well.

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