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Oh Knowledgable Scouters, I need your help

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HELP! PLEASE! Wel, I guess it's not really THAT serious. I'm looking for the words to the "Little fishey song". It was performed last year at Day Camp and I'd like to use it for our Pack meeting this month. All I remember is:


something something little fishey

something something little dishey

something something little fishey

when the boat comes in. Hands together


The you put your hands together and make like a little fish swimming while you repeat the words to the song and next is elbows together, then knees, then feet, then knees bent, then knees bent lower, then one foot up, then other stuff I can't remember. You end up hopping on one foot looking like a complete idiot and boy was it fun!!


Does anyone out there know what I'm talking about or was this a figment of my imagination?


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Could be this traditional English (Northumbrian) song

Come here, maw little Jacky,

Now aw've smoked mi backy,

Let's hev a bit o' cracky,

Till the boat comes in.



Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,

Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,

Thou shall hev a fishy when the boat comes in.


Here's thy mother humming,

Like a canny woman;

Yonder comes thy father,

Drunk - he cannot stand.



Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,

Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,

Thou shall hev a haddock when the boat comes in.


Our Tommy's always fuddling,

He's so fond of ale,

But he's kind to me,

I hope he'll never fail.



Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,

Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,

Thou shall hev a bloater when the boat comes in.


I like a drop mysel',

When I can get it sly,

And thou, my bonny bairn,

Will lik't as well as I.



Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,

Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,

Thou shall hev a mackerel when the boat comes in.


May we get a drop,

Oft as we stand in need;

And weel may the keel row

That brings the bairns their bread.



Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,

Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,

Thou shall hev a salmon when the boat comes in.

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