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If its the Jon-E kind that takes liquid fuel, the best thing to do is take off the top half of the warmer and let it burn faster. You will have to let it burn the fuel out. As an extreme, you could always dunk the element in snow or water. I don't recommend it.

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most reusable warmers can be taken apart. Some of the lighter fuel burners, if you separate the fuel wadding from the wick they will go out...some can not be separated...


but it is combustion so try this: wrap in some insulation...old glove(?) and put in two nested zip locks...insulator is to keep from messing-up your ZIP LOCKS...should starve the wick for Oxigen ...will go out after several minutes.....

try it an let me know most folks I know just let them burn out...this way might save fuel...but...?

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Don't know about this one but I love the ones that you snap the package and they will heat for 4-6 hours. This past weekend we did Camporee and it got really cold. I snapped one and tossed it in the foot of my sleeping bag. If my feet are warm the rest of me is fine. I crawled in two hours later the it was toasty warm. A lettle to warm with me in there so I just took it out and put in under my cot. They are cheap, I think .79 for 3 of them. They have bigger ones but the hand ones have always been plenty for me.

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