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Are Bears Attracted To ??

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I just wanted to comment on BSA24's earlier post. "If you see a grizzly, be afraid." I think I understand the context he was using and that he knows what he is doing. I don't mean to offend, only to clarify the problem with statements like this, so inexpierenced folks don't take it the wrong way. All bear encounters are dangerous and should be treated as such. Expecting Black Bears to be timid and shy is a recipe for disaster, varying conditions such as food source, cub proximity, prior human interaction, etc. can make a Black Bear just as or more dangerous than a Grizzly encounter.

The second thing that should be clarified is that if you do encounter a bear, being afraid or at least showing signs of that fear is one of the most dangerous things you can do. There is an old adage that still floats around most bear safety training that "if you act like prey, you are (or become) prey.

I have a powerpoint that I use with the Scouts before heading into bear country that they seem to enjoy. It's basically a shorter verision of the training module we use for training guided groups going into the backcountry. I'd be glad to foward it to anyway that has a Scouting use for it. As, for the original question on the cigars, Yes they stink and need to go into the bear bag, even the remaining "butt" if it can't be totally burned up in a fire (if your having campfires). If you want to get real technical, in REAL bear country, clothes worn when cooking should also be stowed with the smelly stuff, so I would take the same precaution with a "smoking jacket", but only if bear activity is recently high in that area. Just like cooking smells, efforts should be taken by the smoker to make the wind isn't taking those smells near sleeping areas, or near the scouts (for other reasons).

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And so, it's time for... the reeeeeest of the story (wish someone would rerun Paul Harvey's feature.)


Crew returned from NMexico none the worse for wear.

Stuff is getting washed and dried and put away.

Story is that the dad in seegar need bowed to culture norm and requirements and left all tobacco in the trailhead locker.


Scoutson reports a good trek.


No big thunderstorms like last time, not like at home, where we had BIG thunderstorms.

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