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Need ideas for a camping skills night at a weekly meeting

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Hey all- I am the crew advisor for a high adventure based crew with many new members. Ne w & present membership includes hiking & camping experiance of all levels- never had a back pack to eagle scouts.


To help the teens who have little experiance, the officers and I are planning a Camping 101 night at our next meeting (a local equipment outfitter opened their doors for us after hours last week and did a great job updating us on packs, bags and clothing)


Besides going over other basics (BTW -our first overnighter will be a drive in event helping with a council Cub Scout weekend- we will back pack the next event) I would like to have some fun with some competitions, like a fire building event, tent pitching, etc....


Any ideas or suggestions? Resourses?




Steve in SC

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Here are my idea ...


- Blind tent pitching


- 1 match fire using only items supplied


- Fire with only flint and steel and items supplied (we live in a dry desert so what they can find is limited)


- first aid challenge where they find some one made up to look like they fell down a ditch .. they have to properly evaluate the scene, treat the victim, and transport victim to a certain location


- cat eye compass course ... hold this at night they have to follow a set of coordinates (or find the next point when they get to each spot) ... its called cat eye because you hang up a reflector that looks like 2 red cat eyes looking at you when hit with a flashlight ...


- throw in a dutch over cooking challenge


- have some kind of team challenge such as monster ... "A witch has cast a spell upon your group, to break the spell you have to move your group from here to that line over there. However the whole group most be connected and only half the hands and half the feet of the group may touch the ground." (the easiest answer is well barrow with either thumbs or elbows locked together)


for more team games look at http://www.insanescouter.org/t276/files/g-team.html


- hold some kind of treasure hunt, maybe using GPS's to find the "treasure"


- have them make sundials


I am sure I can dream up lots more items, if you would like ...


Scott Robertson


Helping leaders one resource at a time...

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