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... little bitty stinging rain ... big old fat rain ...

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I thought the rain only followed my troop around. That and the bitter cold in winter! Summer camp 2004 was named Mud Week at Camp Merz. We had so much mud in our site we could have wrestled in it. We had to get pallets from the local lumber store to walk to our tents.


I have to say even with all the rain and mud it was one of the best weeks I have spent at camp. Funny how that works isn't it?



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My son asked for heavy duty tent stakes after he and his tent-mate had to spend 20 minutes holding his tent down in a WINDY afternoon rainstorm! He wasn't the only one who had wimpy stakes, so there were a few other tents threatening to fly away!

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Yah, yah... I remember bikin' wit some scouts when da rain was realy hail that had partly melted on the way down. Big honkin' raindrops wit these little ice crystals chunks inside that you ran into at 15-20mph + wind.


Of course youth and skill is no match for old age and treachery. If ya timed the rotation out of lead position while watching the squall lines, you could make sure that a scout was in the lead position for each major assault of these "liquid needles". The chant of "Ow..Ow..Ow..Ow!" from da leader set the pace for everyone else....

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"If it ain't raining, it ain't training!"


I also like Trevorum's:


"There's no such thing as 'bad weather', There's just poor choices in clothing."


You can almost bank on it that if I am camping, it will rain.


What's that other saying?


"Be Prepared"

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Not sure where I first heard it but...


"Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get."


Like most the overnights that I and most of the scouts remember are the ones that most people would be 'bad' weather. But we sure enjoy and learn the most from them.




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