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Found this on the internet titled "Phimont Risk Advisory", but it's not dated, so I would call to get the most current info:




Exercise and the type of food eaten affect insulin requirements. Any individual with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus should be able to monitor personal blood glucose and to know how to adjust insulin doses based on these factors. The diabetic person also should know how to give a self injection. Both the diabetic person and one other person in the group should be able to recognize indications of excessively high blood sugar (Hyperglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis) and to recognize indications of excessively low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). The diabetic person and one other individual should know the appropriate initial responses for these conditions. It is recommended that the diabetic person and one other individual carry insulin on the trek (in case of accident) and that a third vial be kept at the Health Lodge for backup. Insulin can be carried in a small thermos which can be resupplied with ice or cold water at most staffed camps. A diabetic person who has had frequent hospitalizations for diabetic ketoacidosis or who has had frequent problems with hypoglycemia should not participate in a trek at Philmont until better control of the diabetes has been achieved. Call Philmont at 505-376-2281 to obtain permission from the chief medical officer for individuals hospitalized within the past year.

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As the father of a 9 year old Type 1 Diabetic who is on the pump I have learned that there is not very much information out there and things keep changing.


We currently use the Endocrinology Clinic at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for guidance and recomendations.


My son is very active in sports as well as Cub Scouting. He has been camping since he could walk. We too have been thinking about the Philmont thing and can not find too much out there. Some things that I have found out are:


FOREMOST!!!! Not all Diabetics are the same. What works for one does not necessarily work for another. The advances that have been made are incredible and always updating. Many Old School Endocrinologists use a one size fits all type of approach.


1. The Diabetic needs to have a good, tight control of his/her protocols before attempting any type of strenuous physical activity.


2. Philmont should not be the first test. Shorter more localized outings should be tried first. We found that my son who would normally take 7-8 units in the morning with no juice at home (remember, he is still little) would be able to drink 3 full glasses of Orange Juice for breakfast without any insulin until after lunch. The weather was 6 below during the day at Winter Camp.


3. All the leaders and Scouts need to be educated. This is not to embarass the Scout but to make people aware of the warning signs. Review with the Diabetic's consultation team about indications of hypo and hyperglycemic episodes. It would also be helpfull if key individuals kept some sort of emergency sugar supply handy. Emergency Glucagon is required but small tubes of cake icing work well for the lethargic diabetic.


4. For those who need to refrigerate insulin. We used colapsable insulated lunch pouches with a good supply of cold compresses. Recently we have been told that Humalog does not need to be refrigerated. It can not be subjected to extreme heat or cold. We get two bottles a month and put them in the refrigerator. When it is time to open a new bottle we let it warm to room temp for a day, open it and leave it open until it is empty. (Usually about two to three weeks.)


5. Backup is required. Double or triple up on all supplies in the back country. Emergency contacts are also required.


Good Luck and have fun at Philmont.

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My 12 year old son is also type 1 diabetic. Insulin pump. We plan on going to Philmont when he turns 14 and I too have had concerns over managing his insulin. The biggest concern I have is how to refrigerate his Humalog. If it doesn't require refrigeration, then its really not an issue for us. We will carry a vial with us and give a backup to the staff.


One thing I've tried to make happen is not restrict any activity for my son due to his diabetes. Since he's still not quite there to self manage 100% of the time, I have to attend each event. But its fun for me too.

Once he's 100% self managed, I hope to be confident enough in him to send him with educated adults without "dad" looking over his shoulder and reminding him to test.


This summer we both did the OA Ordeal (we were both elected by our troop) and complied with the silence, eating and exercise requirements of the ordeal. Made me very nervous, especially the night alone. But he just tested frequently and turned his pump way down.

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