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How to promote full uniforms

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(Spun off from the thread on "half uniforming"):

When a unit has condoned lax uniforming for a period of time, it can be a real uphill battle to get it back on track. Even after showing pictures and video from a national jamboree, you find people (generally parents) that resist full uniforms as the norm. If you have managed to overcome this resistance to wearing full uniforms at meetings and unit activities, I'd love to hear the things you did that worked (and maybe what didn't).

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Step 1: Always wear your full uniform at all meetings and appropriate outings.


Step 2: Convince your ASM's to always wear your full uniform at all meetings and appropriate outings.


Step 3: Convince your SPL to always wear his full uniforma at all meetings and appropriate outings.


Notice a pattern yet? If you want full uniforming, the most effective way to get it is to set the example.

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Completely agree with Calico. Both of the troops my son has been part of are "full uniform" troops. Leadership - especially youth leadership - is crucial here. Young scouts/new scouts will adopt the standard set by the majority of the troop's youth members. If the culture is "full uniform" then new scouts will acquire the full uniform reasonably quickly.


(but I still stand by my belief that the shirts are decidedly unpopular because they are impractical and out of date, while the newer style pants are a relatively easy "sell.")



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Simple psychology...display the behavior you want to see imitated. My biggest pet peeve...as a District rep on Eagle boards, I can't tell you how many boards I've been on where a committee member will show up in shorts, t-shirt and flip flops.

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"The Scoutmaster teaches boys to play the game by doing so himself.

Sir Robert Baden-Powell


Wear the full uniform, get creative and make unusual necker slides.

Encourage uniform as a selection method for ceremonies, etc.


"Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I'll show you a poorly uniformed leader.

Sir Robert Baden-Powell





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I think that setting the example is a necessary but not sufficient element. I'd like to hear what else people do.


I always wear a completely correct uniform, but it's definitely not enough. The above quote is not accurate in our case.


I do agree that if the Scoutmaster were to give up on a full uniform, the troop would follow. And setting the example is a great way to give the new Scouts the clear idea that the uniform is expected. In the past when we've brought up the topic with the PLC the boys have been highly resistant to pants.

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Oak Tree writes: "In the past when we've brought up the topic with the PLC the boys have been highly resistant to pants."



How far in the past? I can see where the older pants would be unpopular, but since the pants changed a few years ago, I see that many more boys are fine with wearing them. Now they look and feel like the kind of pants many of them wear anyway. Probably the ones who are still resistant are the ones who like jeans better? Or are they still thinking of the older style pants?


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All adult leaders should wear the uniform correctly.


It should be known that wearing the complete uniform is expected.


Complement patrols and the troop when they are in 100% uniform.


Require 100% uniform for BOR's, when at summer camp and high adventure bases. They will



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national has handouts already to aid in uniforming. Uniform Inspections sheets are one, and the Uniform Essentials sheets are the others. However the essentials sheets do have errors for the leaders, they keep listing MB sashes for adults, and also have all the cub scout literature info with the ladies, and all the BS lit with the males. Don't worry, I emailed them a year ago, and someday they will get it right.

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Dump the uniform, its a useless battle


A few months ago I started my own uniform program. There was one scout, one scout mind you in full uniform, neckerchief, belt, socks, ets and at the end of the meeting I made a presentation of 10 dollars to him for being the only one in complete uniform. The next week I gave 20, then I didnt make a few meetings and then another 10. All these went to the sme scout who is always in full uniform, the other kids don't care. They didnt try to wear a complete uniform and they dont care. The adults in the Troop are fully uniformed, its not a value the kids have. Why beat yourself up?


Ditch the uniform, its just not the troubles

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the boys have been highly resistant to pants


When I re-read this, it doesn't sound quite right. The boys are in favor of pants - no one has yet shown up without them - it's the mandatory Scout pants that they aren't in favor of.


Lisabob, I think you're right, the last discussion was with the old pants and the new pants are better. But my recollection is that it wasn't really the pants that were the issue, it was the idea of making them required. The new pants would be an easier sell, I agree, but I think the essence of the argument from the boys will be "Why?"


They see several reasons not to like the pants - extra hassle, extra money, etc - but no real reason to want them. I suspect that rebelling against some imposed authority is also part of it - I notice that many of them remove the shirt at their earliest convenience, so adding more uniform isn't a move in the right direction in their minds.


At the moment it's not an issue we're pursuing, but I do like to listen for ideas on how to approach the topic if it was something we decided we wanted to look at.

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The way I got my PLC on board was first asking them to read the uniform requirements in the Scout handbook, and then asking them if they were living up to the scout law in their decision of how they are choosing to wear it.


I will also admit that while the adults and PLC are in full uniform, I've never seen 100% of the scouts in our troop in full uniform. I've never seen 100% of scouts in full uniform in any boy run troop.


Rebellion is a natural result of limited or loss of freedom. There are very good reasons for a scout to wear the uniform, but if he isn't convinced of an value, he is telling you that you haven't given him a good reason yet.


Most boys go through a phase of wanting to stick out as an individual and I think it just forces us to be better at teaching the values of wearing a uniform. Wearing a uniform just to have a sharp looking troop is a shallow state of mind. There must be value in everything we do. There must be a valued purpose to wearing a uniform.




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