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Troop Election Scandal Results

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Well here's what happened.

My final decesion was to allow the elections to stand. Of course there was an indepth discussion about what was wrong... but after thinking about our last election, the boy in question recieved votes from the same boys but another boy won by 1 vote. We are a small troop, 10 boys, I'm not sure the election would change as these 5 are good friends. HOWEVER, we sat down with the SPL elect and set some rigid guide lines not only as SPL but as a scout. In brief, if he does not straighten his act out (we where specific) he would be removed.

Prior to this action, I called a Scoutmasters meeting and laid everything on the table.The boys father/Asst Scoutmaster took it well and felt the bribe was S.O.P. in school for kids this age. He acknowledged, after a short discussion, that it is wrong at scouts. All 4 of us were in agreement. The interesting thing was that our SPL elect was at the meeting, properly dressed, and during a planning session for the campout this weekend I twice caught him telling several scouts to "quite fooling around, we have to get this done!" This boy had always been either the instigator or would try to disrupt further. When his voice was telling them to settle down, I kept a closer eye and ear and was schocked.

As I entered the church before the meeting, I had fully come to the conclusion that the election would be nullified. I then had a vioce in my haed saying "Think about the boy". There is not enough time to bring you up to date on all the "challanges" this boy has given me since he was a Tiger Cub but I feel (not think) I did the right thing in this case. I don't feel this was an intentional breaking of the rules or it would be different.

So, with fingers crossed...

Have a great scouting day!

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Thanks for the update. As you indicated, and like some of us alluded to earlier, you know your situation and the people involved better than us. Obviously you feel comfortable that you made the best decision possible given the people involved. It's ironic that you should mention your "change of heart" as you entered the church. As a devoted Christian, I am disappointed in myself for not thinking of this sooner. It never hurts...in fact it always helps, to turn things over to God, and listen for His advise (even if sometimes we don't think his advise makes sensebeing the stubborn folks that we are). As Scouts and Scouters, we should be mentioning Him more often as a source for wisdom (make that - "the" source for wisdom). Glad to hear things have worked out (thus far).

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