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I would like to share a work in progress. Getting back to basics and reintroducing Scouting as many of us old timers remember.


Almost two years ago I followed my son and the Webelo den I was leader with to their current Troop. They have a Scoutmaster the boys adore and he is great with them. The only problem this Troop was lacking direction and has Scouts that are unable to do the basic Scout skills holding rank of First and above.


After several problems with modern youth attitude several of us met and decided enough was enough. The boys holding leadership position did not want to run for office again and the unit was turning into a social club. Almost all said it was a waste of time.


Open mouth insert my big foot. I have pushed to get back to basics and accountability. The Troop is headed back to progress. These boys will truley run this unit and they will have a road map to follow.We have first off mandated the use of the program guide from 'Woods Wisdom'. Made wearing of the uniform mandatory(no blue jeans- Scout pants or similar color style), attending of JLT by new officer required, established guidelines of behavior, and made each Scout accountable.


So far so good.The Scouts like it so far. I will post results of the new 'old' direction we are headed, both good and bad.


Have great day everyone



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