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Quality Unit 2007 arm patches

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Wow, so there are more QU patches that I didn't even know about. Crazy! And yes, it's the centennial one we shot for. We had to first state goals last year, and then this year figure out all kinds of percentages.


I know Gunny - it should have been relatively easy. But nothing is easy for me when it comes to math! :) Besides it wasn't even until about 8 months ago that the unit I serve bothered to keep attendance or anything. I never saw a permission slip or a tour permit until about a year ago. Everything seems like it's been hosed.


I'll have to find out about Boy's Life. We recharter in March. The CC just sent it in on Monday so I'll have to get with them and find out about that.


I personally just brought it up in Committee that I don't think the adult leaders need the patches. The boys - yes, but not the adults. The Troop has to pay for them. For whatever reason Council/District or whomever normally gave them to us before, is not doing that this year. In order to save a few bucks I suggested we cut the amount by leaving out the adults. That's about the only time having a barely existing committee with only 3 people regularly showing up is a plus - we can get decisions made rather quickly!

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"Quality Unit does indeed mean something."


Not really. Not when the DE is pressuring the commishes to shoehorn units into QU status so the district can get QD and the council pressures the districts so it can get QC. It really has nothing to do with quality, it has to do with numbers. How many advance, how many retained. Nothing to do with the actualy quality of the program.

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Shoehorn units in? If we are all running the same program (and we had better be) then there isn't any shoehorning. As for a numbers game...that is life...but guess what. If you don't set goals not only do you seldom improve, but you have no way of measuring said improvement. And how do we measure....numbers! It's not perfect of course, but don't try to make QU into your own whatever. Sorry...feeling out of sorts today. forgive.

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Well as to pressure from above... I've not had any on THIS issue.


The boys got used to wearing Quality unit awards, they kicked our tushies until we got up and did the paperwork for this new one. Fortunately we were already doing the source record keeping, and I in my newbie enthusiasm had talked the former SM into submitting goals before that deadline date.


The question is; as we get people(Scouters) trained are they going to be able to push their parents into joining us so the percentages can continue to rise for the '08 and subsequent awards?

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"The question is; as we get people(Scouters) trained are they going to be able to push their parents into joining us so the percentages can continue to rise for the '08 and subsequent awards?"


I don't know if you have to constantly show any increase. I think it is unreasonable, particularly in large established units, to keep increasing in adult trained leadership. You are at some point going to just end up with people registered on paper, but having little involvement with the unit. Just maintaining your current numbers may be acceptable, and would be what I would recommend to the unit committee/leadership.

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"Shoehorn units in? If we are all running the same program (and we had better be) then there isn't any shoehorning."


I guess you've never been in a commissioners meeting where folks were trying to fudge numbers to make sure that QU gets met.


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GW...afraid that I haven't. I'm sure that it happens. Our unit fell through on the paperwork side for the last few years so was simple honest and didn't apply for it. As for shoehorning, I think we were on different pages on that one :)


Gunny, Scouts shouldn't be the ones getting trained for QU numbers. They are talking about leaders. Our goal is always 100%. This can be a challenge, but every unit should be able to get 100% of their leaders trained. These leaders are the ones who then cultivate their dens for new leaders.


JM...the goal isn't so much to increase leader numbers, but to try to achieve what your unit needs. The form talkes about recruiting new members and new adults. This is not a net increase in your numbers...this number refers to ANY new scouts and leaders, ie. Tigers, new Wolfs, Boy Scouts, their leaders, etc.(This message has been edited by Pack212Scouter)

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I beg to differ with those who say the Quality Unit patch does not mean anything. If you were the one to set the goals in 2006 and strive to meet those goals, it would mean a whole lot.


To answer the original question, you want the Red Centennial patch (2007). I think 2008 is a white patch.


The Quality Unit patch does indeed mean something and your group is to be congratulated for earning it.




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:) I realize that it is the adults that need the training to qualify under this program. I even said so, "we get people(Scouters) trained", (the following is for clarification) the rest of the statement/question referred to the boys pushing their Scouter parents to get trained in order to raise the percentages for following years - like this one, 2008.

I think we'll make this one,'08, too. :)



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