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Temporary Patches on Merit Badge Sash?

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My son earned his Paul Bunyan Award and received received his Paul Bunyan Axe patch last evening. He was a little disappointed when I told him it did not go on his uniform (he already has the World Conservation patch sewn on his right pocket).


My memory is foggy put aren't Scouts allowed to adorn their merit badge sash with numerous temporary patches on the back? I saw this reference on-line: (http://www.infinetivity.com/~blkeagle/sash.htm)


Merit badges ONLY are worn on the FRONT of the sash. On the back of the sash, additional merit badges may be sewn and temporary insignia may be sewn. "Temporary insignia" is defined by the BSA as special insignia for participating in unit, District, Council or national events or programs. Previous rank, service stars and pins are NOT to be worn on the sash.


Would a Paul Bunyan Axe patch qualify as something to wear on the back of the merit badge sash?

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You should check the lastest edition of the "Insignia Guide". I believe that, yes, temporary insignia, can go on the back of the merit badge sash.


The Paul Bunyan Award is one of several insignia that do NOT go on the uniform (and aren't temporary insignia). They are 'equipment decoration' and go on your pack &/or patch blanket. (others in this category include the 50 miler and historical trails award). I'm not sure if its proper to wear the PBA on the merit badge sash, regardless of the rule about temporary insignia.


But frankly, if some kid didn't I'm not going to care...

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Personally I don't see why not. On my sash I have my World Conservation award, a uniform "Passed" inspection patch, Totin chip, Firem'n Chit, 50 Miler(perfect horizontal fit), internet award, and two scout sunday patches. I've only had one complaint from another scouter who felt that nothing should be aloud on the MB sash.

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Officer GWD here, stepping in as a member of the UP.


Merit badges ONLY are worn on the FRONT of the sash. On the back of the sash, additional merit badges may be sewn and temporary insignia may be sewn. "Temporary insignia" is defined by the BSA as special insignia for participating in unit, District, Council or national events or programs. Previous rank, service stars and pins are NOT to be worn on the sash.


From the "unofficial" insignia guide at Mike Walton's fantastic website: http://www.mninter.net/~blkeagle/patchtop.htm


I have not, however, ever seen a Scout with patches on the back of his sash.



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as emb021 pointed out earlier, the official insignia guide is the BSA "Insignia Guide", available at the Scout Shop or through the catalog. Everything else is either personal opinion, hearsay, history, or has been quoted from the Insignia Guide.

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I had a new scout once who was so proud of his MBs. He showed up at the next COH with them all neatly sewn to his sash, which was worn over his LEFT shoulder. So...the badges were sewn to the back, but they were in front. But they were only TEMPORARY! He got to do some more sewing to make them "permanent".

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Didn't I see an old picture with Merit Badges sewn on the sleeve? My son "lost" his MB sash, and I had to resew and rebuy all the patches. Now he's off to summer camp, and hopefully I'll have even more to sew on after the next COH.


He can sew, I LIKE to sew, and this way I'm doing a part in supporting him.


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"Didn't I see an old picture with Merit Badges sewn on the sleeve?"


It has always been allowed to wear up to 6 merit badges (in rows of two) toward the bottom of the right sleeve on the long sleeved uniform shirt. This is illustrated in the Insignia Guide.


"My son "lost" his MB sash, and I had to resew and rebuy all the patches. Now he's off to summer camp, and hopefully I'll have even more to sew on after the next COH."


The high cost of losing a MB sash (and having to purchase and resew them) is one of the reasons I really don't like seeing kids take their sashes to events where they really should be wearing it (ie, OA events, National Jamborees, NOACs, etc). They really should only be worn at COH and other such formal occassions. Otherwise leave them at home.


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Officer GWD wrote, "Merit badges ONLY are worn on the FRONT of the sash."


Maybe I should wait until I get home and can look in my copy of the Insignia Guide, but doesn't the Varsity V go on the bottom front of the MB sash?



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I don't recall ever seeing a Scout wearing any temporary patches on the back of a merit badge sash before, either. My hunch is that once a Scout earns 7 merit badges, which means he'll need a sash to display them, the Scout has been to, and received patches from, more activities than room on the back of the sash would allow for displaying them all - and who wants to pick and choose which activity patch goes on the back of the sash.


However, if it's true that temporary patches can be worn on the back of the sash (and so far, we've only seen informal "unofficial" sources on this) then I can think of no better patches to wear on the back of the sash than the Paul Bunyan Award, Mile Swim, 50-Miler and other National Program patches available to Scouts throughout the nation. Does National make available a Totin Chip and Fireman's Chit patches or are these made by some councils? - I've never seen them).




ps: Congrats to your son, Acco - not everyone sets out to earn the Paul Bunyan Award since it isn't used to help one advance in rank

CP(This message has been edited by CalicoPenn)

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"...(and so far, we've only seen informal 'unofficial' sources on this)..."


Insignia Guide #33066, page 4 Special Regulations: Members may wear only temporary patches (no badges of rank) on the back of the merit badge sash.


The Venture letter or Varsity letter my be worn on the "bottom front of the merit badge sash." This is referenced on 3 different pages in the Insignia Guide.

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If any of you are interested in acquiring the "way cool" Fireman Chit & Totin' Chip patches, PM me, & I'll get you some. Our council has them. They are triangular with one forming the top half of a rectangle & the other forming the bottom half. Our council also carries the plastic badge protectors that fit them so you don't have to sew them on.



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